Message from @Dustin
Discord ID: 411271578890797057
As soon as someone invents a time machine and reminds someone to take more. @Victor MD @Charlemagne MD
We only got Halfdan's gopro footage, of which we will include as much as we can in the next video. And it's not just DC footage we're editing up for that vid, it's everyone's. So it'll take time.
@Thomas Ryan you told me not to bring my cam, we could of ha a stand alone vid
You asked me if you could bring a big stick for the camera, I said you won't need one and normal cameras will be fine. No where did I say that you should not have brought it.
@The Hooknose- UT link
Those types of things are irrelevant, anyhow. It's not as if things will not happen in the future, and we will not make sure roles are enforced more strictly.
@Halfdan wait i dont want aynoe to spam it
Its on 4chan rn
@The Hooknose- UT DM it to me, fam.
ok but it only has 3 votes lol
so far
Y'all goys know what to do.
bump the 4chan thread too
@The Hooknose- UT ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gotta rep
Only 63%. Sad!
@Dustin I'll put you in touch with one. Are you in CO now?
Nope, just curious.
I heard he is gassing all the penguins in Antarctica in order to establish an artic Aryan homeland.
You mean, hooking up the SS remnants and getting Vril power from Hyperboreans under the ice?
No he's trying to destroy the Mass Hadron particle Collider that is causeing the singularity of leftist clown world.
@White Eagle-MA this. Fuck that thing.
our justice system is a joke
What makes you say that @Rocky Place ?
It is
Wtf baked alaska has Jared Taylor on debating KNGR Tariq
its pretty good
China is white supremacy n shheeit