Message from @kristall.night
Discord ID: 324569438122803200
Million dollar extreme fuck I've heard of that shooter is a Bernie supporter that hates "Trump and Co."
Of coooouuurrrssshhheee
He's lucky I wasn't a regular soldier yet or I would have stopped him
Where was the name released?
Oh just google it, all msm has it up
Can't wait to see how they paint this as "violent white male terror" as opposed to leftist political violence
Holy hell
That's what he looks like
So did they shoot this fuck?
just read it. thx
Conflicting stories tho on whether he is still alive
never kill shots
Everyone relax... it's obviously not politically motivated
I mean why would a guy take out right winged politicians after expressing vocally socialist views of extremism on social media? Let's not jump to farfetched conclusions, I mean he didn't SAY anything to them...
leftists are the real terrorists
I mean... historically that's pretty fucking true
House hearing on gun legislation canceled after shooting - CNN
Ahhhh the agenda has become clear
Serious question, why is there a boomer woman as a mod?
Alexandria huh? 30 minutes out. What hospital is he at, I want to visit and just say hello
Nevermind he's dead
Problem solved 👌🏻
@Americana - MD What Right-wing politicians? These were Republicans, from the beltway no less.
No right wing politicians were harmed in this shooting.
@Tyrone regardless... you know my point
@Americana - MD yes... and you know mine.
@Americana - MD I can't see any of your apple news stories
Sorry @Edward - DC blame the jews
@Tyrone 👌🏻
@everyone If you live in the Virginia area you might want to consider bringing your MAGA hats to Charlottesville on Saturday for the Proud Boys meetup. Word is that Antifa is going to harass the "Neo-Nazi Proud Boys organization" and this will probably help drum up interest in Alt-light circles for the August event.
6pm this Saturday. PM for location
Why isn't there a channel for the Detroit right?