Message from @HipToTheJQ
Discord ID: 330148749106085890
I prefer live ammo
"We believe in gassing traitors, and the jews are really traitors to humanity" - GLR
We'll throw explosive-rigged faggots onto the droves of mongrels at our gates from atop the wall
I'm getting so much EXP off this chat tbh
No he said faggots are traitors to humanity
@AltCelt(IL) now you're thinking
I like to think that fags are nature's way of deadending shitty genes
The Kabobs think theyre woke? Wait til we combine 2 of their tactics in one.
Ricardo Spencerio
Say hello, to my white friend
The cream suit is 👌
It looked like linen
No one has ever not wanted to look like (((elvis))) just saying
Jfc lmao
Elvis 2017.
Our favorite white rockstar was NOT a kike
Elvis was a jew brah
So I tried to read all that, but there was too much to sift through. The fag flag is getting burned, correct?
Privately, yes.
@Commander Davis (TWP) No please. I need to see proof
We are now burning actual faggots
Don't do this to me fam
Working for jews at (((record labels))) I can believe
Faggots wrapped in flags, with leftist books at the base. Be glorious.
See its not even a women problem, all the other gals here are on board. ITS LITERALLY ONE PERSON
@HipToTheJQ I'm with you man i never heard that either. Feels bad man.
" According to a third cousin of Presley's, one of Gladys's great-grandmothers was Jewish.[18] There is no evidence that Presley or his mother shared this belief in a Jewish heritage. Syndicated columnist Nate Bloom has challenged the cousin's account, which he calls a "tall tale".[19]"
Just one crabby bitch 🦀
Elvis Leibowitz
Doesn't look confirmed there
So what needs to be done to get everyone on board? Does this channel need antifag propaganda?
Just got here. I have a shit ton of Jewish and fag and propaganda that I captured from my campus. I've been wanting to burn it for some time lol.
i will burn it regardless