Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 342079770038763521
Is this whiole server shoahed
No, everything is fine
You mean like half the children in here?
That shut up those spammers @Hand Banana @TiborSzalasi-MI
Good times.
Antifa btfod
Ill fill people in tonight. But antifa is grounded
I'll be pissed if antifa finds out that I was going to send tornados after them
The weatherman told them already
@Ignis Faatus what are you telling your mom to sneak down to Cville?
@Fyodor You have no power here
Fucking Doppler
Please stop posting the word tornado. I want to post about dykes more
>thinking that ignis living with his momo isnt just a layer of opsec memery
Why do you spam, who are you
@Hand Banana Issa joke nigga
My mom is dead
@Fyodor I am the mother of @Ignis Faatus
My name is Sinead McCarthy
So how about that shit where AntiFA is trying to get the permit revoked again tonight
@Athena Marie and sacco adopted me
who's the father....
I'm David Balabon and I'll post what I want
Ignis is Hitlers son
it was in vitro
McCarthy is a deadbeat dad
I think I might be
didn't hitler have a side penis?
Huge if true!
^ based
@Radical if you insult hitler i will rapewrestle you
hdnw we all know this