Message from @Fyodor
Discord ID: 342079698056118273
Well now that no one is going to see this, i'm bringing a swastika
On the vmbanks of the astral plane
@antifa next time you send someone to spy on our chat make sure they don't live with their parents.
Is this whiole server shoahed
No, everything is fine
You mean like half the children in here?
That shut up those spammers @Hand Banana @TiborSzalasi-MI
Good times.
Antifa btfod
Ill fill people in tonight. But antifa is grounded
I'll be pissed if antifa finds out that I was going to send tornados after them
The weatherman told them already
@Ignis Faatus what are you telling your mom to sneak down to Cville?
@Fyodor You have no power here
Fucking Doppler
Please stop posting the word tornado. I want to post about dykes more
>thinking that ignis living with his momo isnt just a layer of opsec memery
@Hand Banana Issa joke nigga
My mom is dead
I am his mom
@Fyodor I am the mother of @Ignis Faatus
My name is Sinead McCarthy
So how about that shit where AntiFA is trying to get the permit revoked again tonight
@Athena Marie and sacco adopted me
who's the father....
I'm David Balabon and I'll post what I want
Ignis is Hitlers son
it was in vitro
McCarthy is a deadbeat dad
I think I might be
didn't hitler have a side penis?
Huge if true!
^ based
@Radical if you insult hitler i will rapewrestle you