Message from @HueTheHand
Discord ID: 333210375312900097
No, it is her
Let the good times roll!
Be careful what you guys share with the public.
I was a cryptologist for 5 years and this is still incoherent to me
I think its become a meme on the Facebook event page¬if_t=event_mall_reply¬if_id=1499485243185136
Meanwhile vanguard and the DC pilots had a great event with the suidlanders Ie is busy being frats and pull a stunt that gets busted in 5 mins only to later delete any video of said stunt
Unite the Right
@JacksonSmith - PA/TX say what you want but "unite the right" is useless if it remains a slogan rather then action.
Are hoteps on the right?
Hoteps are their own thing. After having an entire stream with a couple Hoteps, I'm still not entirely sure what they are.
We need to get them at our rally
We don't need "Based Black dudes (tm)"
henlo from Michigan
I wish I made it 😢
Looks pretty fucking based
What we really need to Unite the Right is some based Puerto Rican's and a based Cuban or two. Really them off as well.
Make sure everyone sees the we are opening and have a broad definition of "white" maybe some natives as well
Oh, and in addition to this Hoteps we need some Based Koreans and Filipinos!
Cocksuckers threw paint over the monument last night
Why are there so many Jews in CVille?
I made it! I'm famous now.
Bonafide racist
You're on the hit list bud
Don't go to baseball practice
@Herrenvolk - MD Congratulations!
Antifa and all sorts of craziness this is a small preview for August
They sound tired
@here anyone have a good live stream of the klan rally. I want to do a analysis of events as a preview for August.
Periscope will be up at @altrighttradcat @everyone
This is the only one I've found so far