Message from @Spicy
Discord ID: 321776847685681162
I'm sick of cities being synonymous with multi cultural demographics
This is from our convo a couple topics ago. But it was too good not to share. I saw this in the Gavin videos comments. This guy gets it.
It's funny that my roommate, who's uncle was an SS officer, his family literally donated the major parks in Baltimore to the city
ah I was only supposed to post 1 of those... u werent supposed to see my 3%
@Americana - MD how does your roommate feel about your views?
He learn anything from his uncle?
He's cucked.
That's a damn shame.
He's just nihilistic and doesn't give a fuck at all. He mainly counter signals with "you'll never fucking change anything so why bother?"
That is the worst thing I hear from people
@AltRightVa I agree but it's going to take years to get all the sheen out of those city streets.
Also add a bowl cut to get that extra 3% back fam
lol. Good tactic... luuuucky.
Lmao I didn't do that myself, but it worked damn it!
@AltRightVa Seriously though. If all went to plan and you were going to designate an area of the country for a black state. Which area would it be? I say something like North Dakota but idk there's actually a lot of beauty there.
Perfect score.
Flawless Victory
I have been saying Mississippi. I even told a Huwhite Mississippian that and he understood the pragmatic nature of the decision based on the current demographics.
I dont have any future plans in Mississippi. I'm cool with that.
I got a perfect score as well
@Commander Davis (TWP) I'm laughing so hard at that article. They're so retarded.
what concern troll info did you send them?
Hon hon hon
Well if they're going to post that conspiricy I posted that the Klan rally is an FBI sting op to get SURJ Charlottesville Disbanded. The leader of that Klan group happens to actually be FBI
@MadDimension hey i have a member from my group that needs an invite link
@TiborSzalasi-MI Can confirm.
@MadDimension I took care of it
Didn't y'all have a rally with them in pa last year?
The NSM had a rally we were at. But those guys were from Texas these guys are from VA
>jj Abrams >white
I saw some klan guys in pikeville
@everyone One thing that worked really well about Battle of Berkeley was the way they got digital fliers and memes going on 4chan. This is something we should work on going forward