Message from @MadDimension
Discord ID: 331302946711142403
He bail for the arm or because Gavin?
@MadDimension I thought he was coming as a enforcer?
guess hes not as based as we thought
Hes just 1 dude. We have all the great enforcers we need 💪
He was coming but he broke his arm
Of course that didnt stop him from attending the rally yesterday in Texas...
We've been knowing that he wasn't that based for a while actually. though i've heard he's more of a Nazi than he lets on. Still doesn't excuse all his cuckery.
His people saw a TWP flyer with his name on it and are in mutiny evidently
He's accusing us of "exploiting his name" but it was a harmless mistake
(((his people)))
@Stormer DC There is nothing "Nazi" or pro-white about him. At all.
I'm just relaying what I've heard from people who have interacted with him personally. I tend to agree with you actually. Even if it's true that he is secretly a WN, it doesn't change the fact that he's a cuck for counter signaling us.
He's a WN who wants to cash in on the Patriotard image
He is 1/4 Jewish with hapa kids.
I like the guy honestly but he's in it for fame and shekels
He shouldn't have accused the event of trying to exploit him. I have no control over if TWP makes an error in their promo materials
Also, it's not the fact that he counter-signalled us that pissed me off, it was the WAY he did it.
I'm looking for the deleted screencap right now.
He counter signals us constantly. As for the 1/4 jew this is the first I've heard of that, but doesn;t surprise me tbh and actually explains a lot.
Based Stickman is a cuck. It shows that we need to push further right if he is considered "based".
Google-cucked me.
@Stormer DC If you want me not to resist something telling me not to because I'll get it worse is not the way to go about it.
No LARP, I would prank him just for showing that level of disrespect to us.
lol his arm will be fine in 6 weeks
It should
Yeah he's full of shit. Fuck him. i don't care if in private he's full 1488.
He's definitely using the arm excuse to blow us off
He's skeered
What the flying fuck does any of that actually mean? Being and American Nationalist is considered divisive. Globalists and are formly against ANY nationalist preference.
Any chance we can meme this guy into Bitch Stick Man?
Chopstick faggot
"divisive rhetoric" Nah holup Based Stuck Man You got a problemo with white boys sticking up for white boys. And u can't get on board?
Sharpen your stick breh...
@boilerplate told you, man.
Based gook wife man
"Suspected far-right extremists veiled a Holocaust memorial in Lakewood, New Jersey, with a banner displaying an ethnic slur against Jews. It comes amid ongoing police investigation into massive welfare fraud, implicating a local rabbi."
Good play to VA.