Message from @whiic
Discord ID: 638935318560768012
Loremaster is ded
well considering dc's been leaking like a sieve for the last 3 years...
lmao what
You didn't realize that "Bosstown Dynamics" != "Boston Dynamics"?
Also, the shadows were bad on that one. :/
2B thicc.
I have a thing for 9S too. You know, before he went crazy.
@Toh May Tou runescape is a very low intensive game so they ported the entire thing to mobile
I posted it in memes
Of course it was fake
it is not just a dumbed down mobile game lol
Don't speak French, just surrender.
I know kek
@Anubis make eragon an athens emote!
Is that entirely necessary?
This makes perfect sense.
I can't tell if this is Poe's Law, but considering the state of that app, it's probably not joking.
since time immemorial, identifying one's sex was one of the simplest things humans ever had to do
then, everything changed when the lgbt attacked