Jannawam Blamistan

Discord ID: 131521413843648512

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"why don't i live in a perfect world ree"


But muh hatred for people with property

The hell is that image

Also what monster used discord light while taking those screenshots

lmao **literally hitler**

Bye image

but muh evil land owners


repeat it with me: **orange man bad**

>saying fag to act tough

what is a yinz

Sorry I only know kkk dog whistles

Just run your nation on lunar power

McNukes now ree

I just love the idea of telling some feminist that we donโ€™t live in a male dominated society because โ€œachtually there are more women than men in the US so itโ€™s an whamen dominated societyโ€

something something socialists always getting triggered

can't handle a dumb game

idk what people expected when a corporation made a game about socialism

doesn't the game even advertize itself as being a satire?

"adult parody board game"

I wonder if any socialists bought that game thinking "ahh yes, now I can convince my friends of the power of communism through board games"

all I know is that the guy posting all of this on twitter needs to chill and get a hobby

at a certain point I have to wonder if Monopoly is just being the ultimate shitposter with all of its "fuck you money"

if you think reporting on memes is dumb

nazis aren't socialists because real socialism has never been attempted before <:thunk:462282216467333140>

can we just say that both ideologies are totalitarian instead of trying to say that nazis are far leftists

more like out of the closet bolshevists

tbh, tatics sometimes does equal ideology. I doubt that pacifists are gonna spread their ideology through mass murders


sorry, I didn't know the Quakers committed genocide to enforce their pacifism

you never know on this server

but quakers didn't do that, that is why they barely exist now-a-days

i never said that pacisfist tatics were intelligent, just that they attempted to use peaceful tactics for their pacifist beleifs

@Muten it does depend, i agree


who even defines what "right wing" is

@Muten i legit just want a clear, concise, official defintion

so right wing is a meaningless term then, because there is no actual definition for right wing

then give me a definition then reee

just saying "look at the context bro" tells me nothing

so tell me what the meaning and ideas are then plzzz

I say this because every mainstream outlet says that hitler and Mussolini are right wing, while some of you are saying that they are left wing. So who am I to believe?

depends on how far it goes

becoming a hobo and venturing out into the middle of the Pacific with nothing but a small raft

thats how you go individualist

@BabaBooey what the hell is your pfp

you're in the club and that guy slaps your girl's ass, what do you do?

i thought baba posted that for a second

its probably meant to make you feel comfortable while you're killing yourself

to make you want to continue doing it


*still is hot*

Cursed thumbnail


Hey look at this video of two men holding hands, please buy our new Mercedes 2019 model

I donโ€™t know why these companies think gays kissing are gonna somehow send people into a buying frenzy




my campus rn

jesus was the one that killed Epstein

What a story

Thank god heโ€™s uncircumcised

Would have been a deal breaker otherwise

it's obvious as shit she's talking about a college that has California in the name

but still funny if you ignore that

Iโ€™ve heard the word vibe long before it became a meme, like people saying a place has a โ€œweird vibe going onโ€

@BabaBooey do you still have me blocked?

Baba is desperately searching through /r/latestagecapitalism for counter arguements

@BabaBooey invite me to all of your socialist servers plz

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