Message from @Redxl

Discord ID: 623234236199075851

2019-09-16 17:22:32 UTC  

¬6¬ .. do that upside down.... duuud

2019-09-16 17:22:46 UTC  

Sounds ghey

2019-09-16 17:22:54 UTC  


2019-09-16 17:23:09 UTC  

but ya know what they say.... when in england... learn arabic

2019-09-16 17:23:32 UTC  

After you handed over your butterknife collection

2019-09-16 17:23:57 UTC  

I carry my knife everywhere 😛

2019-09-16 17:24:14 UTC  

not my ghurkas knife... thats too big...

2019-09-16 17:55:15 UTC  

IncredibleSulk is trending 😛

2019-09-16 17:55:36 UTC  

I used to read that comic 😛 ... in "big comic fortnightly"

2019-09-16 18:17:57 UTC  

*Ban on eating dogs and cats in the UK blocked - the parliament decided not to change the source of peasant food.*

2019-09-16 18:23:18 UTC  

This is what they will start with to transition us towards eating bugs in the future

2019-09-16 19:06:38 UTC  

@Rakah Clickbait?

2019-09-16 19:07:04 UTC  

did they even bother asking the Asian communities or are we so woke now that we preempt offense? Maybe some will find it offensive? "are you saying im poor? only poor people ate dog in my country, REEEE"

2019-09-16 19:07:30 UTC  

Oh I hope it is clickbait

2019-09-16 19:08:11 UTC  

That's a no...

2019-09-16 19:09:32 UTC  

Oh dear oh dear oh dear

2019-09-16 19:10:21 UTC  

Stop being a monty python skit UK, we know it's a national treasure, but stop.

2019-09-16 19:15:28 UTC  

how dare they treat agents of the EU in such a manner

2019-09-16 19:15:54 UTC  

Off with their heads, I say.

2019-09-16 19:18:46 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck I literally lol'd

2019-09-16 19:20:00 UTC  

@PureEvilPie would you say.... “Ara Ara”?

2019-09-16 19:44:54 UTC  

Lib Dems...fined £18 000 ?....i think their missing a couple of 0's in there

2019-09-16 19:46:37 UTC  

yes i know the max the EC can levy against a party is 20 grand...but lets be honest....i think Labour and the Lib Dems should burn in hell....the SNP on the other hand as i'm scottish

2019-09-16 19:46:42 UTC  

Hells too good for the SNP

2019-09-16 19:46:46 UTC  

>lib dems not being forcibly dissolved or otherwise declared a domestic terrorist group

2019-09-16 19:47:52 UTC  

>lib dems not being shot by firing squad

2019-09-16 19:48:22 UTC  

^^ would pay telly licence to watch on telly

2019-09-16 19:51:20 UTC  

Meh, genuinely does look just like a mistake

2019-09-16 19:51:29 UTC  

"Failing to provide acceptable invoices"

2019-09-16 19:51:38 UTC  

"Wrongly reported some payments"

2019-09-16 19:53:50 UTC  

Was it a mistake when Leave UK or whatever got fined?

2019-09-16 19:55:45 UTC  

someone should create a party called the illiberal totalitarians ... and then have liberal and democratic policies... basically a mirror of the lib dems

2019-09-16 19:56:13 UTC  

Yes I'm sure that name would catch on

2019-09-16 19:58:03 UTC  

they will have meme power

2019-09-16 19:58:15 UTC  

One was over-spending, one was (*basically*) submitting the documents wrong.

2019-09-16 20:02:04 UTC  

So similar to the lib dems then?