Message from @Spaceman (DSB)
Discord ID: 345170064552755220
Remember 'don't drink' on Friday night either 👌🏻
@Hand Banana @Ignis Faatus told me he was down for licking toad...i suppose there's enough time for all of that
@Munich The AQ is coming
If you aren't drinking on a Friday night before a Cville War you aren't a real beer hall nationalist
I suppose the advantage of that is never claiming to be.. While also attending more Beer Hall meetings than most at the same time ⚡⚡
Is the torch thing still happening?
@AltRightMick I sure hope so. I just spent a bunch of money buying tiki torches for ny Vanguard buddies.
What's the situation with Antifa on Friday night? Should we prepare like we will for them on Saturday?
Yea I wondered the same
Since the Friday event isn't being publicly advertised, there will probably be less organized opposition than at the Saturday rally, but since most of the antifa groups will already be in town, it won't be hard for them to get people out there when we show up...
Theyll def be on the prowl knowing wer in town.
Lets hope there are no (((Leaks)))
Considering all we're doing to prepare for Saturday, and the level of antifa threat we're facing down, I'm not even sure Friday night should be a thing
As much as I like the idea of a torchlight march, unless there's some very serious security it could go sideways very quickly
They don't know shit. From what I'm seeing on all the Antifa pages, all of their marching orders say to show up on the 12th. We will also be coming out with strong numbers this time. We can handle anybody that's dumb enough to try and hurt us.
Im still going back n forth about attending thr vigil, i dont have word back from my group rep as to if we are or arent doing it as a whole. But if its needed, i can show up with my med pack and be in the back of the vigil march/middle incase anything *does* happen, heaven forbid it however.
Yep, regardless of what goes down I will be there. I just want to make sure our guys are prepared.
There are three Amtrak trains arriving from DC on FRIDAY night. Are any goys on those trains? If so we'd like to know how many AL Tifa and BLM cop kills are on the trains.
Gunna be there friday night
Not too worried about antifa
they dont get up before noon let alone get there early
because whats fun in no risk?
Maybe we should be like a flash mob, catch them before they can react
What are the guidelines for dress for the torchlit march? Are sneakers okay?
Double breasted Brooks Brother's only
Im going to blend in perfectly
@Spaceman (DSB) has the power to look like a fern
What is everyone doing for lunch on Friday. Tacos?
What are people doing this afternoon? I want to meet some of you guys. (I'm Forrest Bloom on Youtube).