Message from @Charlemagne MD
Discord ID: 331545266744197120
Blue black then whitw
Does anyone know a decently priced place to get s custom flag made?
@VasilistheGreek Is the guy to ask. I had heard he knows a place.
@TiborSzalasi-MI Has has flags made for the Detroit Right Wings and they’ve been of good quality. The place messed up the originals slightly and remade them for free
They're pretty cheap, but have been of great quality. I've had lead times from them of about 2 weeks
Tennessee flag
If you're gonna bring a kekistan flag make sure it's this one
Fascist Christian reporting
How have I not put this one out yet?
@Commander Davis (TWP) where you the guy holding that flag at the DC free sleech
That black and white fasces flag is really well designed.
Hell yeah
What are your thought on the don't tread on my flag?
it's dont tread on ME. and it is synonymous with lolberg individualists
I'm thinking of bringing it just because it's a revolutionary flag
Don't let the lulbertarians ruin a flag of great historical significance.
That color scheme looks familiar 🤔
Lol jk I love you guys.
100% why I bought the teal one not the white.
Has anyone discussed or decided on whether we will be flying other nationalist flags from across the Eurosphere?
There were Nordic Resistance Movement and a few others at Charlottesville 1, I personally like the look of having a Scottish Dawn, Golden Dawn, or Generation Identity flag.
I just ordered a Generation Identity flag I can bring
@TiborSzalasi-MI I love those flags and the aesthetics of their logo. The Black and Yellow cross over for both AnCap and Anti-Communist activity is also a good look.
@Charlemagne MD yeh
Yall need this flag if you're going to subvert lolberts
Wait a facses?
Don't tread on US
and yes a fascses
I want one of those
Yeah that's sweet
Sick flag
@Commander Davis (TWP) I love that flag. Tbh libertarians aren't so bad once they realize the racial foundation necessary for their model of society.