Message from @Xaverius

Discord ID: 639001649037312010

2019-10-27 19:14:59 UTC  

Is there anyone here keeping tabs on german politics? Because a state election happened just today and we have quite an interesting situation now.

2019-10-27 20:05:45 UTC  

The Afd got second place in thruinga and the left leaning government lost their majority

2019-10-27 20:53:01 UTC  


2019-10-27 21:03:39 UTC  

But since the CDU wont do anything Die Linke will just run a minority government

2019-10-28 03:55:08 UTC  

Didn't the CDU almost in union refuse to work with the AfD? Because nazis or something.

2019-10-28 04:15:36 UTC  

as well as die like, yes. all possible coalitions are kind of retarded

2019-10-28 04:15:58 UTC  

right now i'm primarily amused by it

2019-10-28 04:17:39 UTC  

but most likely it's going to be cdu+Linke

2019-10-28 04:19:52 UTC  

i se the positive in them having 3 mainsteam-parties struggling to stay above 5%(for context: you don't get into any german parlament if your party does not gain at least 5% of the votes)

2019-10-28 11:54:03 UTC  

If the rumors are true the FDP is only 5 votes above the 5% limit, which also means they probably gonna count twice

2019-10-28 18:37:20 UTC  

What happens if you tell a whole people that they're shit just because they're born in a specific place? Resentment perhaps? What if a group then tells these people that they're not that bad?

2019-10-29 04:52:21 UTC  

@Aquila Fiacra Just don't bring out the Swastikas again! Last time around it didn't work out quite well for you.

2019-10-29 05:30:09 UTC  

Just give Prussia back and nobody gets hurt

2019-10-29 17:30:42 UTC  

you know maybe the EU Parliment does have a use, it would be excellent as a strip club or brothel

2019-10-29 17:43:36 UTC  


2019-10-29 17:47:39 UTC  

in fact all EU buildings would do well as Strip clubs and brothels

2019-10-29 21:01:25 UTC  

then would MP be elected Strippers?

2019-10-30 02:13:09 UTC  

I wish sargon got elected then we’d get to see him strip

2019-10-30 07:24:25 UTC  

Well there's a text to send in a superchat

2019-11-01 21:40:28 UTC  


2019-11-01 21:53:23 UTC  

also as expected

2019-11-01 21:53:30 UTC  

those 5 men weren't native spaniards

2019-11-01 21:53:34 UTC  

at least from the pics I saw

2019-11-01 21:53:39 UTC  

whcih there arent many

2019-11-01 21:53:46 UTC  

but they look middle eastern/north african

2019-11-01 22:08:37 UTC  

@The Electric Lizard Melt it for scrap

2019-11-02 03:39:27 UTC  

well north americans are basicly a mixed race from all over europe so yeah, and second im relly disgusted of how ppl relly wants communism and socialism afther our ancestors have died in 2 world at wars to give oss the freedom that we somewhat have today. well at least the Lefties so far they are trully ungreatufll for what they have god.

2019-11-02 03:42:11 UTC  

They're uneducated despite going to university, sad state of affairs.

2019-11-02 03:43:08 UTC  

and ppl speak about they are out of ideas for what to create. the future of entertaiment, movies, tv shows,videogames and porn is basicly like the movie the oasis were basicly everything is in on giant web. and were everyone is free t odo what they please

2019-11-02 03:45:13 UTC  

@Ethaneth aye well its casue they watch fake news and are on facebook and twitter all day long were we get called racist all day long

2019-11-02 03:49:09 UTC  

Well no, everyday people listen to smart people, and attractive people. Attractive people include actors, and thus activist actors. Smart people, or perceived smart people are in universities and education pushing their own ideologies as they always were.

2019-11-02 03:49:41 UTC  

It's basically more of the same since the existence of education, and propaganda, just more hyperbolic because people have less meanings in their lives in first world countries.

2019-11-02 03:50:37 UTC  

offcourse i meant these lefties boomers and millenials

2019-11-02 03:51:30 UTC  

they also want to remove the first amendment

2019-11-02 03:51:38 UTC  

Radicalism obviously leads to fewer creative output because to be radical is to be restrictive

2019-11-02 03:53:35 UTC  

That's also why the left is worse at the memes than the right at the moment, because they're overall more radicalized

2019-11-02 04:00:03 UTC  

they speak about globalism and wants that, like do they even science lol if the population were areound 75% smart ppl and relly healthy ppl then yeah globalism could work but it's the all the way around the population is only around 20% smart ppl and are slowly fading away and the rest is just 3rd world country ppl that only gives a dam about having an family and be stuck on that loop only. not to be rude but that is how i see them mostly for the things ive learned from them so far.