Aquila Fiacra
Discord ID: 303235835954855946
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+giveme consent
"Organizations to check every porn" One hell of a job
This can't be legit
Putin as a bear
I got bored.
I have no idea, to be honest. I only can read cyrillic but my vocabulary is arse.
More furry shit
It's food
What level of autism have we reached now?
@Louis Fuck you
This is supremely retarded.
Y'all are in dire need of a lobotomy
@Dibz Fuck you
I thought 2k would be the certified olive nigger
@Pinkstoo Fuck you
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Fuck you
@Traps for Trump (Morepie) Fuck you
@Anubis Fuck you
@Spooky Melon Fuck you
@Louis Fuck you
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Fuck you
@Dibz Fuck you
@Spooky Melon Fuck you, boi
Baby gives the mother aids
Black baby cock gives aids
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Fuck you
I can feel my brain melting away for this is too high iq for my little mind
Fuzzy was the force that kept the server from running into complete madness by giving us a common enemy
Where are the communists when you need them?!
@2K Penetrate thy own loins
@Louis Fuck you
Is Fuzzy still being a DM psycho?
We are being very smart right now
@Louis Fuck you, millenial
@Vir Fuck you
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Fuck you
@Louis Get fucked
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Go fuck yourself with a dirty needle
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Go fuck your dog father
Y'all need to fuck to sleep
Without lube
>Imagine being so butthurt about losing an internet debate that you go full psychonigger on people in DMs
He didn't block me
@Anubis Fuzzy had a gf? Now, that's bullshit if I ever saw any!
**Yikes intensifies**
Is that legal? @Anubis
Fuzzy has too many issues to not be on this server, tbh
We meep him contained, and he keeps us something to hate. It was Ying and Yang.
Now, Fuzzy will go full Charles Mansion on his region
Drugging and raping a girl has no side effect - Fuzzy 2019
Fuzzypeach will be missed
And then he wont
There will be a nother psychonigger to replace him
Where's Redneo?
Who was OnisonFan?
Everyone needs to get fucked
Mandatory hookers for everyone above 18
Can we solve the incel crisis with state funded prostitutes?
That's a complete purge. Shiet, someone is in an Auschwitzy mood.
Waste of ressources. Just beat the shit out of him
Cleansing fire
@Laucivol Ah, lol material.
Why is the temple not being purged like the political cesspolls that it is?
What, when?
Are we that quick?
To full it again with autistic shit?
@Louis penetrate yourself
@Anubis Grecko
@Anubis Turning off the phone helps
@Anubis <@580346167481729024>
Don't be a retard
@Anubis <@580346167481729024>
The call of an old man on Discord that is telling them to go @Anubis
@Anubis @EvenHarderDaddy @Senpai <@580346167481729024>
"Internet hate group made Charles Mansion imposter commit race motivated crimes"
@Anubis Barney even harder
@Anubis <@384462229233336321> <@580346167481729024> @EvenHarderDaddy
Barney is the newest mascot of the Alt right
Pepe is given the flame to a new monster
"Barney teaches kids to hate minorities"
"Barney accused of having raped 12 women, back in 1965"
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