The_guy in the shadows

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the only reason why norway is now telling ppl to be prepers is cause we have tremnedus amount of shit around the world and then have warned that t oour govr here in norway for back in 2014 the norwegian govr didnt belive at all in WW3/ revloution war could happen or it will happen, welcome to the republic of norway were they realises the hars reality like 3 years later and were everything takes like nearly 5 years to invent like a smal thing that has already been invented a long time ago.

@TEABAG!!! ja ekje du litt enig at her i norge alt teke for evigheit å nå ting?

ja stortinget e so sakte å nå ekte nyheite ut

alt ei ville bere gjere e å spille spill og sjå gode tv serier til disse typiske SJWs og antifa gruppene ødela omtrent alt fil industrien e total dritt og en totalt faen, ei kan i ikkje tru det at ei må fortsat sjå på gamle filmar

for å lage eit godtat dokumetar og godkejnning av å komme in til norge fra eit anna land e velig viktig får problemet e no somsagt EU dei vill bringe inn millionar ette millionar av ulovlige imograntar inn ulovlig, og det e livs farlig du kan riskikere å drage inn ISIS teroristar inn og alkaida.

ja det e omtrent norge alt her føles 3 års baklengs ifra alt nesten.

folka i regejeringa ser ut som dei he ingen peiling ta ka e de som virkelig fårgår ront i verda.

yes sorry we talk in our language

ei veit ikkje kor e de disse folk leve hen, men de ser ut som dei tur der eksisterikje onde folk i de heiletatt

til og med bak i 2010 va ei mykje beire år å leve på unansett om de va mykje meir vanskeligare å finne transport og sånt men fortsatt då vakje der disse soy folka of disse antifa gruppene som gikk å ødela alt på å ha ting å styre på med når du e heime.

@TEABAG!!! problemet med film og spill industrien e de at dei følgikje bøkene i de heiletatt dei prøva å gjere sine eigne ting derfor enda dei opp livløst og kasta vekk matriale og fotelling... Åja det e ei heilt enig

Får ja disse regjerigane dei somsagt går og gjyme sei bere vekk og forventa vikk ska sjå dei som nåkren store folk og he gjort so mykje bra mens vi prøva å fikse ting som he våre her får monge år, bere for at dei ettepå enda opp med å bringe inn meir problemar

de ekje rart at folk ettepå enda opp med å ikkje bry sei legre for korfor burde dei vist regjeringa repesenterikje oss og fe plytselig lyst å lage meir Faenskap for oss. og dei snakka om å samarbeide menst de e dei som fe oss til å hate anna kavradre til å starte med.

ja de e sant de

alt ei brydde mei bere om va film/tv serier og spill til de vart ruinert og dei vil at ei ska bry mei om ditte lande som teke for evigheit å gjere forandriger og norsk politikk som ei he ingen interse i de heiletatt. ditte politikk e somsagt gammalt og velig utgått.

og ja ei vill ha meir engleske folk og amerikanske folk istedenfor disse voldelige mideløstera som vil bere ha diera islam religjonen og vil ikkje ha nåke med å gjere med oss i de heiletatt

ja si det ja

derfor ventar ei på artifisiell robotar, for film industrien e so dritt at hollywood må finne ei ny måte å lage like bra filmar som ringenes herre, får ei he venta omtrent 5-7 år og alt he bere vårte til og med vere enn de so som filmane var bak i tidlig 2000 tallet. . . får ditte politikk styrett e bere somsakt e so gammalt og ei hekje nåke intersse for det i de heieltatt lengre, de e de same greia unasett.

får somsagt skue spelerane verte meir og meir livlaust og verte mindre intersant å hørepå no på filmene no får tidene.

nei de e de også i USA

de ekje bere Norge som sensorere filmene de også i USA som drive å gjer de

regjeringa og politikerane trur de at dei gjer ei kjempe flott jobb med å sensorere filmene/video spillene får da trur dei at dei kan få oss til å vere meir interisert i jobb, og like bere å jobbe, menst de gjer ikkje dei der gjer alt bere ein faenskap og alt bere værre, og skape bere meir hat inni folk

kanskje ja får ei hekje følgt med so mykje med krf i de siste

yeah and its dying cause you fags are to weak to protect it now lol

US is like a plauge if it wasnt for you guys we would prob not have these gay rights now that shit came from your politicans spreadin over propagand over to our ppl

@Coolitic Superior land dont make me laugh your ppl are basicly giving away your rights and freedom for an temp security wich they will then later on be screwd over by the left and right, cause you have to many soy ppl that isnt wiling to protect it anymore

@TEABAG!!! Vold e nøvendig vist ikkje regjeringa bryr se iikkje lengre om folkett sitt legre og vist ting tek alt for lang tid å froandre sei

@Coolitic Why do you think everyone makes movies about ppl blowing up New york cause the american dream is just an total LIE and the US is like a plague.

@TEABAG!!! kanskje, vel ei veitt ikkje ei lengre får so longt all mine venner he vorte totalt forandra sei så ei veit ikkje lengre ka ei kan seie lengre. men unasett ei stikke no, håpe det at ting blir snart ordna sei men ken kan seie.

yup if they seek asylum do it legally. dont come here and storm the border and then expect oss to give out free shit and if not we get death threats how is that any inocent family at all in my opinion?

😄 there would be better ones but the thing is ppl dont want the problems to get fixed thats why the real good guys dont even bother trying to fix the world anymore cause the ordenary normal ppl dont want to do their part, if you want to sort popualtion problem tell these muslim familys to stop having like up to 7 children and same goes for affrica, tell them that they need to do their part, if you dare tell them that, for we whites are sick of doing our part while these ignorant shits dont do theirs and then when they see oss living an avrage good life then they expect oss to open our borders so they can flood our countires and then trash our system to hell and ruin our countries too and make it like affrica 2.0.

oh yeah by the way the EU if they want oss to work togheter then they better tell these middle easterns to do the same thing we are gona do our part agian if they do theirs same oges for affrica im so sick and tired that we get so much shit upon when we at aleast have invent a shit ton of tech to help out humanity and in return what do we get hidden plots to wipe out the white race and under our skin cause of tremendus amouts of jelousy we, if it wasnt for oss we prob would have had WW3 already now. they dont seem to understand that most ppl's IQ is dropping and that is relly dnagures for most of the inudstries and workplaces it recuires very talented and very skilled ppl to be able to produce most advanced products out there now, until we get robbots to produce them for oss wich is most likely many years away still... so thats why this EU crap is just BULLSHIT it can just go and burn, forcing oss to do our part while the rest of the world is laughing at oss how we whites are going extinct.

mmm its like 30 yrs off

@Windleaf stop posting that meme already it gives me nigthmare, couldnt sleep at one night olmost cause i tought one day i would wake up and see discord or any webiste is blocked cause of article 13, all the news tellin that aritlce 13 is gonna make an block chian on th web, it has relly gotten to may head lol

@Dyno stop mocking me😄

my mother told me that she found norwegians quite square headed ppl, that means that they dont agree with ppl's opinions or respects ppl's opionions, and i have to say i quite agree with her on that one😄

cause they are snowflakes thats why

@Samaritan not any diffrent in the US lol

we got fucked over by your politicans, before then we did quite well actully

yeah cause you aint doing noting about it, thats why so its allowed to be thatway lol

our tax money was first intened to help out the disabled ppl in our countires, until they decided to help out these refugies and etc

@Drywa11 yeah yeah i know i miss spell aloot casue im lazy and i type alot of stuff in the same time.

@Drywa11 second dont go and think you so much smarter than me, i see at least what is going on, i do realise that i have spell issues so what? we all have many diffrent skill issues. and that is the one thing i will not tollerate from someone mocking soemone for their bad skills would you like me to find out and exploit you? Im trying to help out as the way i can here lol

@whiic have noting to clean, i at least have my shit sorted out.

@Cowlitz lol no im not him

🌩 i dont know but so far im in a olmost total meltdown and i am dseperparte to break an lefites Face if i see one

article 13 agian? keepin on mocking me eh

oh no thats beyond furries

article 11

hmm i gues he only post one for each pearson who says it i gues Or?

yeah cause its the the number for the armagendon day and in the same time the number of how many members controlls the world

i also like how the jews hates the whites and call oss for nazis when dude here in norway we suffered the same fate the fuck are they talking about, if there is ppl to blame go and blame the gemrans for that one and not all whites are like that, and saying that all whites are evil, pff and asians, affricans middle easterns and latins arent? latins Aztec's, affricans zulus, middle east salahadin, mongolia gengis khan, china the great dinasty epmeror or whatver the fuck went on there i could go on and on, evil ies within nearly all human beings, so dont come here and bring this nazi shit here.

i cant english 😩

@Jack of Trades the 12 man tried to resist the Nazis here in norway so dont come and speak shit about whites

@Jack of Trades good greif how badly i just simply just want to send each and every single lefite traitor fucker to north korea so the ycan live their happy commuism life there so we can finally fix our shit ehre in the west. I know.

i bet north korea would be owerwhelmed by these lefties of how bad and toxic they relly are😄

@ManAnimal life inst fair cause you made it not fair your ancestors didnt get ridd of the porb way early on when we had a very good chance of getting ridd of evil for good but instead you exiled them and now we have to suffer for it cause they have returned, these lefites, or these evil human beings morons wouldnt prob exist today if you would have taken care of them way back then.

@Gservator they fucked it up

shut the fuck up you mother f#cker with this racist crap its bullshit

just what rock say in the movies drop dead, yeah i all i got to say to these lefties fags drop dead you mother f#ckers all we right wingers have been crossed of the list and left for dead

an leftie that is black pilled REEEELY

im actully suprised that ppl like oss would actully could be invited to the white house i thought they nver represnted oss, its actlly a bit supriseing how tim got invited

the thing i rem back in the early CSS days is how many ppl got VAC banned all the time lol😆

@Rölli just whatever the fuck there is to play basicly so far the only games that are decent and arent infected by the left, is games from around 2015 and all the way back from that point aftehr that the games became shit agian no tnx to the left

the times has gotten like 3 times worse than the time back when i was like 14-16 yrs old even its so total pathetic how things has gotten so out of hand in a such a short time lol


for to be honest i relly didnt wanted to take any part of the culture war until they forced my hand and force me to make an stupid youtube acount and go and talk som sense into ppl, and until entertaiment started to get relly infected by it. for it isnt right that these left go and make everything what they want it to be like, if they dont like something then they can go and make their own shit and stop stealing other ppl's work and force ppl out of the industry and chase oss away from everything and then call it theirs lol just like google they think they created Youtube and made it great when all they did was buy it out, and i like how much they lied to oss about how they are gonna make everything so much better, # not be evil lol

These Antifa and these lefties claim they are total agaisnt Nazism when they clearly do not respect other ppl's opionions or tastes they want everything to be they way they want it to be way they picture it lol, for me they feels more like an real nazi then what they call everyone ealse.

i know i miss spell ofthen i ofthen miss them

this is what has gotten me so curious and think aloot is that they may be actully planing this, and sned the chosen few into a bunch of sleeping isolation chambers underground or hell under the ocean.

for its been quite odd how the real intellignet ppl havnet relly dev anything real invetfull at all in these last decades, its not the first time they have showed oss isolation freesing cabinents underground.

well sense the rotschild owns and controlls our wealth they could very easly do an true real armagendon if they want too.

for that is why im so fearfull for the future for if its true that these ppl that controlls our money and controlls the world and are evil then killing oss is juts an simply funny game to them and they may even invent an real T virus if they see enjoyment out of it if they trully controlls everything.

yup progress may at be at hand, if you cant combat these lefties how do you intend to combat these global elites that may one day say we are gonna deoprt you to an extermiantion camp.

how do you intend to stop them when you cant tell these lefties to fuck off. how do you intend to stop these global elites that may one day say we are gonna kill you?

and they even have said it that they want NWO 2030 to reduce the popualtion to 1 billion. so they have clearly said they intend to kill you

have you forgotten about the most evil ppl on the planet? do you think they care at all about getting their hands dirty for them its more like sport to them.

yup the most wealthiest ones are gonna get the golden cruiser ticked and get on the ark and escape and live on while we will be sned to death camps

and saying you should stop fearing death is total ignorant otherwise all ppl would already bee killing them selfs, lol offcourse ppl fair death and of dying that is why they try to survive lol

Xmen future past and resident evil movies have stated the global elites plans to kill oss and back in 2013 and 14 they have comfirmed that by posting UN agenda 21 the NWO so all them hollywood moives wernt just a propaganda scarecrow stuff when the UN went and siad they wanted you kill over 6.5 billion ppl to get to 1 billion popualtion.

But even DR isaacs said we will evnt lead to human extinction if we dont do something about the human popualtion or our sosciety it will evnt lead to war and chaos. so we are basicly leading oss to human ext by over popualting and so on. Ehem not to mention Thanos mentioned that too lol

Thanos even said him self he took the burden of taking care of the popualtion problem even if it cost him everything, and he said cause no one ealse would, and in time, every corner of the world would lead to chaos and over popualtion. for ppl claim that these ppl that wants to do genocide is evil well isnt overpopualting and dsitroying the blance and distroying the earth's green wild life and amazon forests is also EVIL?

no cause they are facts everyone have said the same thing in like every movie that say that.

@D3bug_logic i tought the exact same thing good lord this even beyond furriness😮

well ladies and gentelmen sense they are gonna also ruin james bond its gotten to the levl were they are gonna make furries movies now, better buy them fursuits now😂 lol

its total obious now what EU looks like behind the curtains

still ppl defnd it and are telling oss that we are extremeists, cough cough leftists

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