Message from @chill with that shit
Discord ID: 368126618365067265
Shit did I not save it or something
You had a timestamp and everything
bronys are inferiour race
So r blacks
Yeah I thought so.
Oh and the majority of bronies are white so....
I have a question what's everyone's view on the Moro conflict
Probably in here
Remember these Snow?
I'm sorry to break it to you but that's not me
This is me
Is that horrible thing
A bronie commie
A brommie
That's why I'm nazbol
No faggots here
So you're not a nazbol because you agree with the ideology...
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 I like how try to look hard with that fucking shirt on
It's true irony. It really is.
It is mt 2nd favorite shirt
Materialism is gay
communism doesn't work
Let me guess, you walk around naked
how did you know
Lucky guess?
I still have my work shirt on
That's pretty gay, bro
Lol a commie calling the workers gay
Work shirt*
fake news update,,, no econoic system works if you factor in - corruption ,, on the other hand every system works if you factor in - consideration
You know what economic system works?
The one that takes care of the people
Economy means housekeeping in Greek
social democracy