Message from @Rayk Anders Breivik
Discord ID: 368127867705360384
That's why I'm nazbol
No faggots here
So you're not a nazbol because you agree with the ideology...
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 I like how try to look hard with that fucking shirt on
It's true irony. It really is.
It is mt 2nd favorite shirt
Materialism is gay
communism doesn't work
Let me guess, you walk around naked
how did you know
Lucky guess?
I still have my work shirt on
That's pretty gay, bro
Lol a commie calling the workers gay
Work shirt*
fake news update,,, no econoic system works if you factor in - corruption ,, on the other hand every system works if you factor in - consideration
You know what economic system works?
The one that takes care of the people
Economy means housekeeping in Greek
for teh people of the people by the people = corruption ,, hmmm
>Social democracy
Nazbol will rule the world!
Lol enjoy your mob rule and corrupt voting blocs
give me freedom or give me death = death
I'm just saying that's one of the reason I'm nazbol
what's a nazbol
A nationalist communist
@chill with that shit You're a nazbol because you just took your baby steps from communism towards that feeling in your gut that your beliefs make no sense and your tendencies lie elsewhere
Maybe @Deleted User
national bolchevism is cheap copy of national socialism
It is
Isolationism, comrades
tendencies ? you mean sexually ?