Message from @Sn0w ❄
Discord ID: 368124680646688769
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 >Snow has a fucking pony avi
There is a redhead near me right now at school.
Is it your first time seeing a pony?
That's a cute reaction
I hope she doesn't suck BBC?
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 Dude
I didn't know you were a ponyfag
Now you being an asshole before makes sense
Remember when you kept purging your original Leftypol server
It makes me so sad when I see white girls that are so into black guys.
Ahhhhhh now I remember you
They are degenerate.
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 why auschwitz? cuz bronys are subhumans
Burn the coal
Pay the toll!
I'm pretty sure that I'm less untermensch than you(;
Lol I have your photo somewhere
>less untermensch
Shit did I not save it or something
You had a timestamp and everything
bronys are inferiour race
So r blacks
Yeah I thought so.
Oh and the majority of bronies are white so....
I have a question what's everyone's view on the Moro conflict
Probably in here
Remember these Snow?
I'm sorry to break it to you but that's not me
Is that horrible thing
A bronie commie
A brommie