Message from @Sn0w ❄
Discord ID: 368124680646688769
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 >Snow has a fucking pony avi
There is a redhead near me right now at school.
Is it your first time seeing a pony?
That's a cute reaction
I hope she doesn't suck BBC?
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 Dude
I didn't know you were a ponyfag
Now you being an asshole before makes sense
Remember when you kept purging your original Leftypol server
It makes me so sad when I see white girls that are so into black guys.
Ahhhhhh now I remember you
They are degenerate.
@Sn0w ☭ ❄#4209 why auschwitz? cuz bronys are subhumans
Burn the coal
Pay the toll!
I'm pretty sure that I'm less untermensch than you(;
Lol I have your photo somewhere
>less untermensch
Shit did I not save it or something
You had a timestamp and everything
bronys are inferiour race
So r blacks
Yeah I thought so.
Oh and the majority of bronies are white so....
I have a question what's everyone's view on the Moro conflict
Probably in here
Remember these Snow?
I'm sorry to break it to you but that's not me
This is me
Is that horrible thing
A bronie commie
A brommie