Discord ID: 363634743738368000
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welcome and goodbye info...thank you,, what what ?
and yet they are
just like us
just like there is no us and them
I think its rare to find a rightwing mind that believes in the idology of suppresion of others because of superiority , I believe its a dilusion of scarsity / not wanting to share what is there so they can be the rich which can't happen without there being the poor
excluding of course people like trump who are just stupid
can't really intelligently discuss stupid people it seems
or at least not for very long haha
the only good european is the one in my bed and she's hawt
jk,, but yeah, white people everywhere,, too much white people
also - supresion of brown people sucks big time
most old cultures were / are more advanced than our modern white dominate cultures
so Nnyef,, do woman visit this server // probably not haha
I"m not so fixed in thinking that race in general is bull shit, but believing that one race is superior,, nah
kinda funny how white redneck americans love to get a dna test as proof they are tied to the great white race only to find they have blood in them from Africa ,, hahaha
all do what ?
oh,, have blood from Africa got it
are there even any woman on this server ?
are you guys satisfied with digital woman ?
good to know
me either
idk // i think i'm more of a progressive politically
which includes socialistic without the violence
cause i'm way to prone towards violence so its best I don't think about it
yeah - go bernie haha
small minds
hitler was part black and part homosexual
chill are you a little dick who a big gun ?
haha jk
I don't need to move on cause I'm not stuck on the 2ww
the jew ? damn,,
I"m more concerned with the next ww
who cares ?
me too / / / canadian
but I'm not a jerk
I don't need to identify with mass killing
hmm, this room needs a reason to exist
hello autism brothers
hello canada
race don't carry intelligence genes
opportunity / health / education and perceptions = intelligence
idk what Otto is talk'n about
anyone as long as they are not being supressed
three jews walk into a bar,, they turn out to be bankers and involved in grand theft /// are all jewish people bankers and theives ?
out of the closet >
Tage, are you male or female ?
I can't tell by your typing
wat wat
agree not a choice
to explore might be a choice
for example ?
idk if that leads to our sexuality rather how we feel about our self and sex but maybe not gay
I'm thinking straight or gay or what ever is something we are born with and influenced by circumstance
I agree changing these things depends on the individual, but I don't agree with the bigger hips / breasts concept
snow are you gay male ?
or is that not an appropiate question
wondering if you are talking personally
speaking from personal analization
how did you know
fake news update,,, no econoic system works if you factor in - corruption ,, on the other hand every system works if you factor in - consideration
for teh people of the people by the people = corruption ,, hmmm
give me freedom or give me death = death
what's a nazbol
tendencies ? you mean sexually ?
I love me a good fk in the trenches
hey do any of you guys have an arm chair and are sitting in it right now ???
for shame
couch philosophy has no ring at all
how about welfare, I can work with some poetic meaning if one of you are on welfare,,
you know what fk it,, I'm going on welfare an calling my self a poet
frog men for the win
thanks ACJ ,, at least I have a purpose
now let me get a cheese sandwich adn watch rick and morty returns
probably cause there is no shit in 'it'
I'm a waiter am I a Jew /
waiter jews are working for the jewish SS
I guess the Nazis didn't believe in Jesus / the first Communist
whom is the administrator if I may ask
i see, or i don't see
well this was fun , not
have good chats people this is your life
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