Message from @Suomi Stronk
Discord ID: 416729073130405908
Push = bench, squat, press, triceps
Pull = deadlift, row, pull-ups, biceps
I have upper body and lower body days
6 days a week
Deadlift day fo sho.
I like to hit deadlift hard on Saturday morning and then eat a big ol lunch.
This is my routine. How to modify to add deadlifts? I have dynamic warm up, then either jump rope/plyo jump circuit, then either of these depending on the day, followed by a run.
-Upper Body Day
Bench Press
Bicep Curls
Incline Press
Lat-Pull Downs
Lat Pulls
Standing Shoulder Press
-Core work
Sit ups
Side Plank
-Lower Body Day
Leg curls (feet plantarflexed)
Leg Extensions
Calf raises (stairs; Straight Leg)
Calf Raises (stairs: Bent leg)
Leg Raises
Russian Twists
You don’t have enough back work
Only two back and no rows
2 pressing and no flyes
Random bicep and shoulder
Mostly front delt
For lower body
Only one compound movement
3 exercise isn’t enough
You write this yourself or did you find it?
I'm not a fan of 'upper body' and 'lower body' arrangement in general
Strong Nibba
Hey guys, I've received the suggestion from lifters many times now to take a creatine supplement. I'm trying to research it and I find all sorts of positive opinions on it from fitness magazines. I trust the people who have recommended it to me but I want to make sure I have every possible theoretical side of the story. The one concrete skeptical comment I got about it was from an osteopathic doctor I visited (for an unrelated issue) who said he admittedly did not know much about it but didn't see how it would help and said I might be concern about any supplement going through the kidneys. Beyond that I haven't heard any criticism of taking creatine supplements. The article I felt was most scientific on it was this one: and they say that all the literature they reviewed did not really find any bad side effects to using a creatine supplement, which was very reassuring to me. But I want to know if anyone knows of ANY criticisms of creatine use, just so I can have all possible sides of this issue. Thanks for your attention.
Mfw forget headphones so i run the half mile from gym to dorm and back. Nothing like a mile run pwo before leg day
Yeah but what was your time?
not fast enough
@peytonT#2360 @Deleted User how would you guys recommend I modify it? It was given to me by a guy I know who is really knowledgeable about fitness
^tbh yeah. 7 minutes easy run. Currently hitting 405 squat dubs
*Rubs GNC Merchant hands together*
@Gaius Mucius Scaevola I would do your own research, bro. Take the fitness redpill. Nearly every 'knowledgeable about fitness' guy will have different opinions
if he doesn't deadlift, he's probably a scrub tho
i do my own research but there's so much information out there it's hard to sift the good from the bad
I'll get to you on Creatine later, at work there right now actually lol. But long story short, Creatine Monohydrate or HCL is good as long as you're drinking water and aren't afraid of possible "Fluffiness".
and then i'm not sure what works or what doesn't and end up not doing anything because I don't know what works best
Take creatine
It’s the most researched supp out there. Normal monohydrate is fine. You should already be drinking enough water anyway
If you aren’t at 1.5 gallons a day and you’re active you should be. 5-10g creatine won’t destroy you
drinking water is kinda mainstream so i abstain from it
What about 1.5 gallons of tea 🇬🇧
1.5 gallons of milk
As someone who is lactose intolerant that might kill me lmao
Everything about this video sucks. Sorry but it’s what I got today. Finally about to eat for the first time
You had two more reps.
Was only programmed For two reps
@peytonT thanks for your thoughts.
@Suomi Stronk I look forward to your supplement-industry-insider insights
Would it be better to just talk in voice? @ThisIsChris