Message from @SamanthaM
Discord ID: 462264413097951232
@Tanner - SC I use match, hinge, bumble, coffee meets bagel, and I am still on lesser apps like tinder and OkC. I have been out with girls from Match who complain about men they’ve met on Match and other dating apps. Guys will say one thing and go for another. Not everyone is upfront and honest these days. And girls are correct to be suspicious and distrusting initially. The only thing you can do as a man is understand how they feel and try to put them at ease. Stating your intent is a good start.
Do y’all think exclusivity should exist on the first date? Or are you fine with going on dates with multiple people at first and becoming exclusive with one after a few dates?
@Tanner - SC I think it should be, but it is not. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. You can make your intent known that you are looking for something serious, I'd advise against it unless it comes up naturally, but never make it exclusive on the first date. You just met them.
Generally, you can date multiple people unless somebody "DTR's" which is define the relationship, a talk where you tell the girl to stop seeing others and you will too
Depends on how well it goes, and it should be communicated
@Deleted User Yeah, as you said. Communicate it. Never assume that she's not seeing others because you aren't. Spell it out what you want and if what you want is her
Now, also, going on a date is different than dating. Dating tends to imply seeing them for a bit. I don't see anything wrong with going on dates with multiple people to narrow the field, but your goal should be to make a choice. A company interviews three candidates for any position. Shouldn't you do likewise for the woman you are going to spend awhile with?
@Tanner - SC I second literally everything Washington said
@Tanner - SC Since the first date may be a last, but the second date better be exclusive, I think if one is committed enough to agree to a second date, they are either using you for free dinner, or you are the one for now. So if they have other dates, they're using, if it's just you, on date 2, person is "well adjusted" to quote the great Stephen Bennett.
This seems like signing up for an inevitable hack and doxx list:
Not to mention that there will be literally no women on that site.
Publicize it to women only groups on facebook using a fake ACC
You could do a great deal in an afternoon for that site.
I'm already on
The women are spread out.
Membership is free until they hit 10k members if memory serves
@Freiheit - CA Is the site any good?
Not very populated but not full of degenerates.
The search filters are a little buggy sometimes.
Haven't been on in a while.
Am I doing this tinder thing correctly?
No use the app to get her out on a date. From there you ask more personal questions. But also, yeah don’t expect much on tinder
Use the app for light screening
@Zyzz At that point in the conversation I'm assuming Andrew was like, "Eff it."
Agreed. Use it as a vehicle to propose a date after about one or two questions/talking, get their cellphone number as another POC, and then schedule the date shortly after
I have a picture of me in a trump hat which screens a lot of degenerates
“Swipe based on your political preferences”
@Zyzz Agreed. Tinder is good for screening what you want and don't want. It's at your discretion. I've seen very trad girls on Tinder, mostly garbage but trad chicks very seldom. Still they exist. It's your job to swipe left on thots
@Washington I literally swipe right on all of them and only pay attention to them if we match. If they are not what I want I will unmatch. Online dating is a filtering tool and the least amount of work you can put in to get a girl out on a date should be the goal
It’s literally a funnel and a numbers game
I use copy and paste openers and screening questions
I use them so frequently my phone already knows what I’m going to say
@Zyzz Don't swipe right all the time, it hurts you algorithmically, but yeah, I do likewise
Yeah I'm actually not even looking for dates on tinder. Its just a TRS troll. Basically just trying to expose Tinder THOTs to alternative view points.
@Der Seeteufel - SD tbh, you sound a bit bitter there. Try to work on projecting a more compassionate voice if that's what you're trying to do
@Washington interesting I didn’t know that
@Der Seeteufel - SD I think it would be smart for IE to find a willing woman who would dress in IE garb and write a pro white profile that effectively shills for IE.
We would take the pictures and we would create profiles (with her pictures) all across the country
Interesting enough I actually first heard about TRS and the Daily Shoah through some girls tinder profile. Except she was definitely real lol and not attractive.
@John O - I was going for bored rather than bitter but the point is just to have some guys on tinder that don't worship the ground these girls walk on. I'm not going for hearts and minds.
Holy crap she just replied. I'm going to wait about an hour and ask her for her phone number.
Waiting games are stupid