Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 492122470975799296
Dude if she cheated on you, no way
Like a week late on this but just catching up lol
If a woman cheats on you she is toxic. Literally the worst thing a woman could ever do to a man is cheating because until relatively recent history a man could not be sure of paternity. Even now it isn't something that gets tested until there's another reason to doubt. A cheating wife isn't only genetic death but robs you of the resources that you could have used to care for your own children. If a woman I loved ever cheated on me not only would I dump her, I would also do my best to make sure any guy she was ever interested in knew her history.
The worst thing a man can do to a woman is abandon her with his children, but I still think a cheating wife is worse.
The reason I say that isn't even because I'm a patriarchal chauvinist, which I very well might be. The reason is because society has developed to the point where a woman being abandoned by her man isn't a death sentence. She likely will continue to live a relatively comfortable life and her child will most likely survive. She will probably even be venerated by her peers.
There is no coming back from infidelity. There is no way you could have a healthy relationship after someone cheats on you. I don’t know why anyone would want to stay with someone who betrayed you in such a way to make you look like a fool and to abuse your trust in the worst way possible. If they would cheat on you what wouldn’t they do to hurt you?
Press "F" for my okcupid account mk2.
zucked again, although I haven't the faintest idea for.
I haven't trolled anyone, my profile is normie Trumpian without even stating it.
Really? your okq account got banned? I didn't know they even did that
second time too.
Wow, I used to reeeee on there all the time and never got banned
I can only suspect I gave the "wrong" answers on "do you want to date someone the same race as you?" "are you Jewish?" "should illegals be deported?"
The login screen gives the game away. Two lesbian I couples, a black couple, one soy boy/white and TWO BM/WF.
I wonder who okq is (((owned))) by?
I think I have their business model figured out. String along beta whites, push non-monogamy, race mixing and homosexuality on the gals. The achieve dysgenic goals and profit.
I remember in 2015 there was a study across multiple top dating sites that showed the aggregate of data by preferences. African females and Asians males were considered the least desirable. With White males and Asian/white females being considered the most desirable.
Yeah. Blackening is a problem, but less of a problem as we hyper-aware people sometimes blackpill ourselves into thinking. The real danger is the up and comong generation, with the propaganda pushed much harder
I live in a very small town but am far past the age opportunity of picking up "le trad waifu" meme. Sadly internet is about the only avenue. Oh well back to the read and lift.
Nah bro it's never too late
I don't mean in a fatalistic foreveralone . jpg sense. Just saying at 32 with little wealth, there's a small to zero chance of a prime bride.
Which makes sense. at 32 with little wealth, I'm not a prime groom lol
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Religion bro! Get one. It will not only improve your chances at finding a trad waifu it improves your life over all.
How do you just "get" a religion? I don't know how to have faith without evidence
I wish i had the answer to that. I wish I could have faith. But the faithful are adamant that I am "choosing" my own atheism as much as they are choosing their faith
Actually Christianity has an answer for that question. Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." I would encourage you to go to church even if you don't believe. The ritual of having a specific set time and day every week where you engage socially with a community is good for you regardless.
^^^I agree with this. If I could find a relatively close church that isn't pozzed I'd attend
Look for Confessional Lutheranism. Missouri, Wisconsin, or preferably if you have one nearby CLC Lutheran. I'm CLC Lutheran my pastor knows I'm in IE and thinks it's great.
It's also how I met my girlfriend who is so trad she has literally never worn pants and her favorite song is Edelweiss from "The Sound of Music".
Also she has a sister.
I have tried to feel both Christ as well as pagan gods, and I never feel anything. I can't believe anything. I'm willing to go through the motions in the hopes something clicks. But the only pagans around are fat leftists, and the only Christians around are universalist, Israel-slave, football-player worshiping cucks.
I tried praying this summer while out in the woods.
^^^^yep my feelings exactly
I don't want to countersignal or insult those with faith. I fully acknowledge I am the defective one.
Society is better with a healthy faith.
I think a big problem with America is diversity of religion. It makes having one cohesive church impossible, but I don't have any problem with someone "church shopping" lots of Christians are pozzed straight to hell, and I mean that literally, but there are still lots of based Christians too. You just have to find us.
@Der Seeteufel - SD I listen to the Godcast (lol and Helicopter Mom). I thought about an Orthodox Eastern church, an hour away.