Message from @Erika
Discord ID: 347907719346257930
@Deleted User was happy to be of service. I felt bad for the entire VIP crowd and you PSDs. Y'all got it rough and the corrupt police didn't do a damn thing.
I had multiple facial lacerations acid attacks oven cleaner attacks and cracked skulls
I treated about 15 people
I was also in the park till the very end i treated a few wounded at mc intryw as well
Lessons learned? @Erika @Louis Loire - NY i honestly didn't expect as much pepper spray as was there. We also need to plan an actual triage point next time, I think. What helped with the oven cleaner? Were there any Neuro symptoms with the skull fracture?
No just bleeding and stiches needed and rhe oven cleaner was highly toxic i had nothing and we were under fire from both cops and antifa it was a mad house
And yes i need to mix that stuff that Erika made my pepper spray wipes did jack shit
Told Nathan to not buy then again either he had the same ones
Is the person that got sprayed with the oven cleaner good? Seems like the best thing would be just flush with water, or vinegar (since oven cleaner is basic).
@Erika did you have a glucometer to check sugars, or were they just showing signs?
He was pretty messed up tried flushing it out he was making it worse by panicking he was the guy in the blue shirt with the black sun American flag
We got him out though
Any in eyes or airway?
@everyone if you are going to be part of a medic team at an event and need supplies, have someone (in leadership) who can confirm you will be there PM me, you also PM me, and I will get you most everything you need.
Nice stash
right wing medic squads
@Erika Your team was johnny-on-the-spot Saturday. I've wanted to commend you all for how effective and QRF you guys were. Just haven't really had the chance until now
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL thank you. It was tough, but I think we were all happy to be there to help everyone who were in need
You guys were so busy and didn't want to bother you.
Yeah thanks again
I'm pretty certain I've got a minor case of plantar fasciitis. Anything I can do to quickly get back to running?
Quickly? Depends how bad
Freeze water bottle and roll on bottom of foot
Get.some nsaids to take with food
Get brace over the counter to sleep in to keep foot dorsiflexed
And stretch w a towel looped around bottom of feet
Of the affected.foot rather
Heel inserts help a bunch as well
What are nsiads?
Is there anything I can do to strengthen my foot and keep running without making it worse?
non steroid anti inflamatory drugs. Tylenol.
I had Plant Fasciatis. One method is to find a cool stream or lake with a smushy gravel bottom, and wade around in it.
Do a full butt-stretch. Then a hamstring stretch. Then calf stetch---In that order. Jumping ahead to the calf stretch is not advisable, because the tendons in your toes connect all the way up the back of your body, and you need to stretch the big muscles first.