Message from @Ch--
Discord ID: 362412609359708170
Beer should also be avoided, especially IPA
flax seeds and soy
no goy
Cider is a good alternative
I keep beer for special occasions only
@Deleted User that's why Hipsters are such soyboys
Alcohol in moderation, avoid beer, corn syrup, massive amounts of sugar
Be a man and drink some bourbon
Mead is the way to go.
Be a man and go straightedge
Mead 👌🏻
If for whatever reason one of you degenerates needs drug advice, I'm pretty knowledgeable about neuropharmacology, moreso on drugs. Used to be a degen so I did a bit of research on everything I used in the past few years amounting to a decent amount of info on most of them.
Does weed serve any medicinal purpose at all
Or cannibis in any form
Yeah but imo does more harm than good it will help obviously in the treatment of some cancers and the more obvious pain related/insomnia issues
But excessive use will lead to decrease in overall creativity, memory, and intelligence while also destroying your ability to enjoy life without it and your learning abilities
If you're just doing it recreationally every once in awhile tbh you'll be A-OK but don't overuse
Medicinal side is over exaggerated by stoners who just want to get high without sounding like an addict
I'm not, was just curious. Theres a lot of hype surrounding it and I cant tell whats true and whats (((true)))
So basically if you don't have a specific condition it might help with its really not going any good for you
I get the "weed cures cancer bro" argument a lot and besides the fact that it doesn't, 9 times out of 10 they don't have cancer lmao
Yeah. To be honest I think the only really distinct medicinal value it has is treating epilepsy.
I'd argue for its value on insomniacs and people with eating problems too
But yeah it's really only medically relevant for people who have these conditions
I hear it prevents you from going into a REM state through right? When I used to be degenerate I always woke up feeling like I got zero sleep after falling asleep high.
Yeah I believe it does to an extent which is also why you never really dream when you smoke but have intense dreams when you stop
But it doesn't completely prevent rem just kinda like
Lessens it if that makes sense
Makes sense to me.
@Zyzz In terms of rehabbing your ankle- calf raises and toe ups (sit down and extend your ankle as high as you can and hold for a second) can help strengthen the muscles around it to reduce your risk of re-injuring it
Can confirm ^ do this every day
@Ch-- Wow! That makes perfect sense. My gf smokes every night before bed (I wish she wouldn't) but the few nights when she does not, she has really bad dreams. She has a rough past and dreams about that sometimes. Is there any advice you can give? Should she stop? What are potential health risks?
Was she smoking weed a lot before the dreams started?
Oh yeah
She used to smoke multiple times a day but since she met me only does it before bed
So when she first started having bad dreams she was smoking at that time in her life right?
I would say so. But what I know for certain is that when she did not smoke before bed, she woke up scared and had a dream that her ex drugged her and beat her
There's a chance they'll calm down to an extent after she completely stops, gotta ease into it as it does make dreams more intense when you first stop smoking but eventually they get calmer, other than that I don't know all too much about the psychology of dreams, but you should suggest she tries not smoking for a week or two and see if the dreams are less intense than when she stops only for a couple nights
Ok. and would you recommned stopping for overall health benefits
If not it'd probably be a good idea to see a (((psychiatrist))) about it, suppressing them with weed every night is a horrible idea if that becomes the intent