Message from @KetchupCommander

Discord ID: 362411597232209930

2017-09-20 23:22:24 UTC  

Is the soy boy thing a meme, or does it actually make you a faggot?

2017-09-20 23:22:38 UTC  

I'm surprised how many things contain soy

2017-09-20 23:24:22 UTC  

Valid question, daily stormer had an article a while back praising soy

2017-09-21 16:16:48 UTC  

@Deleted User I know there was a guy who started drinking Soylent exclusively a few years ago, next thing you know, he cuts off his wee wee and grows his hair out.

2017-09-21 23:27:29 UTC  

Soy decreases testosterone

2017-09-21 23:27:50 UTC  

In small amounts is fine, but don't make it a part of regular diet

2017-09-21 23:28:12 UTC  


2017-09-21 23:28:23 UTC  

Beer should also be avoided, especially IPA

2017-09-21 23:28:45 UTC  

flax seeds and soy

2017-09-21 23:28:59 UTC  

no goy

2017-09-21 23:37:49 UTC  

Cider is a good alternative

2017-09-21 23:38:03 UTC  

I keep beer for special occasions only

2017-09-22 00:58:58 UTC  

@Deleted User that's why Hipsters are such soyboys

2017-09-22 01:00:12 UTC  

Alcohol in moderation, avoid beer, corn syrup, massive amounts of sugar

2017-09-22 01:00:21 UTC  

Be a man and drink some bourbon

2017-09-22 01:02:24 UTC  

Mead is the way to go.

2017-09-22 01:03:39 UTC  

Be a man and go straightedge

2017-09-22 01:06:33 UTC

2017-09-22 04:05:28 UTC  

Mead 👌🏻

2017-09-27 01:33:28 UTC  

If for whatever reason one of you degenerates needs drug advice, I'm pretty knowledgeable about neuropharmacology, moreso on drugs. Used to be a degen so I did a bit of research on everything I used in the past few years amounting to a decent amount of info on most of them.

2017-09-27 01:34:18 UTC  

Does weed serve any medicinal purpose at all

2017-09-27 01:34:58 UTC  

Or cannibis in any form

2017-09-27 01:35:18 UTC  

Yeah but imo does more harm than good it will help obviously in the treatment of some cancers and the more obvious pain related/insomnia issues

2017-09-27 01:36:12 UTC  

But excessive use will lead to decrease in overall creativity, memory, and intelligence while also destroying your ability to enjoy life without it and your learning abilities

2017-09-27 01:37:06 UTC  

If you're just doing it recreationally every once in awhile tbh you'll be A-OK but don't overuse

2017-09-27 01:37:39 UTC  

Medicinal side is over exaggerated by stoners who just want to get high without sounding like an addict

2017-09-27 01:38:13 UTC  

I'm not, was just curious. Theres a lot of hype surrounding it and I cant tell whats true and whats (((true)))

2017-09-27 01:38:19 UTC  

So basically if you don't have a specific condition it might help with its really not going any good for you

2017-09-27 01:39:09 UTC  

I get the "weed cures cancer bro" argument a lot and besides the fact that it doesn't, 9 times out of 10 they don't have cancer lmao

2017-09-27 01:39:45 UTC  

Yeah. To be honest I think the only really distinct medicinal value it has is treating epilepsy.

2017-09-27 01:40:40 UTC  

I'd argue for its value on insomniacs and people with eating problems too

2017-09-27 01:41:28 UTC  

But yeah it's really only medically relevant for people who have these conditions

2017-09-27 01:42:23 UTC  

I hear it prevents you from going into a REM state through right? When I used to be degenerate I always woke up feeling like I got zero sleep after falling asleep high.

2017-09-27 01:43:30 UTC  

Yeah I believe it does to an extent which is also why you never really dream when you smoke but have intense dreams when you stop

2017-09-27 01:44:29 UTC  

But it doesn't completely prevent rem just kinda like

2017-09-27 01:44:34 UTC  

Lessens it if that makes sense

2017-09-27 01:45:23 UTC  

Makes sense to me.

2017-09-27 01:52:59 UTC  

@Zyzz In terms of rehabbing your ankle- calf raises and toe ups (sit down and extend your ankle as high as you can and hold for a second) can help strengthen the muscles around it to reduce your risk of re-injuring it

2017-09-27 03:49:15 UTC  

Can confirm ^ do this every day

2017-09-28 02:27:13 UTC  

@Ch-- Wow! That makes perfect sense. My gf smokes every night before bed (I wish she wouldn't) but the few nights when she does not, she has really bad dreams. She has a rough past and dreams about that sometimes. Is there any advice you can give? Should she stop? What are potential health risks?

2017-09-28 02:29:34 UTC  

Was she smoking weed a lot before the dreams started?