Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 482640727688609792
What a cohencidence. 🤔
At first you don't believe it. Then through life you realize they are exactly as people have described. "Go practice politics in Africa!" HAHAHAHA
Yeah Salvini is 💯 <:chad:359013583469805568>
I'm guessing those hotels aren't 4 stars anymore... I wonder why John McCain is giving up? With the nearly unlimited resources I assume John McCain could get for this, I would guess you could almost live forever, or at least a few more years.
I'd guess he's already dying and he knows it.
Treatment for cancer is awful. He's got months at best.
I'm sure it'll have family friendly cartoons like this: 👌🏻
Am I the only one that thinks Trump is seriously hiding his power level? I get these clues that make me think. "I think there is a strong genetic basis for being an entrepreneur."
Yes, he is 💯 hiding his power level. He is a white collar billionaire that appeals to the blue collar workers.
You don't do that as "Cheeto Drumpf".
What the hell is this latest Alt Hype video? 🤔
At the conference I ran into one of our members whose family owns a wristwatch company.
Any ideas who this member is? I'd like to buy from one of "our guys".
@micbwilli It seems like he just got incredibly Black-pilled. 22:00-23:00 is all you need to see for why his recent video is the way it is
@Tyler0317 I want one too!
I have mixed feeling on the video.
I've always had a lot of respect for Jim Brown, but it appears he's had the bad sense to say things in violation of the Agenda. So now they're blasting him.
@micbwilli Seems like the lad is heavily Black-pilled, perhaps he is feeling down-trodden due to the fact that the huge momentum of the AR was killed by censorship, and bad management. This video is a prime example of why you shouldn't 100% rely on the hype for your motivation
exactly why the mods do the job they do
So it seems that Unicorn Riot is both privately funded, and funded by Grants
Antifa is funded by grants?
Unicorn Riot is specifically, which is odd since they claim to be against the State, the Corporates
They also "claim" to be anarchists, while holding their capitalist driven iPhone X's and paying for screen printers to put logos on their clothing and flags...
The White pills are pretty abundant this week. Whereas the last few were slow.
I know more about current affairs than you because I watch Conan Obrein, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Kimmel, John Oliver AND Trevor Noah. Plus I read r/politics and average 4 upvotes per post. How many upvotes do you have? Oh, you're banned? Haha that's what I thought.
Congratulations @Voodoo! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life.
Not sure if anyone posted this:
IE mentioned
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL thank you
> Trump joins Gab
> Trump leaves Twitter
> Twitter fails within the year.
I would just like to say, IE was early on getting the word out about the Boer, and I am proud to have been a part of that action.
Now that Trump has talked about it, the media had no choice but to respond and...once their anti-white bias and show zero regard for the lives of the South African whites.
So it appears Gab is already growing by 10k users a day, which is phenomenal if you ask me
Problem with Gab is that it can still be taken down by international finance
Not to mention it's an echo chamber