Message from @TV
Discord ID: 484013118876286987
that thing on the left...
It's like a small moon with its own gravity.
Inspiring drop from WA
at least its better than a spray painted bed sheet stolen from mom and dads room.
What rebels, fighting to preserve the credibility of the establishment media! Stunning and brave.
"B...but...we are revolutionaries! Screw the man!" <:really:453005408064241674>
The small moon looks like she is wearing a mask too...
Aaand AIPAC is gay...
Tell us something we don't know. ^
Lmao remember that Spencer banner drop that said AIPAC is gay...
Much Woodford Reserve was consumed in the inception of that idea.
Ha, jokes on them. My eye sight is too bad to even read that sign. Ableists
Now what IS gay is that I have a flight with my cousin tomorrow at 10am and the military is like “cool story bro your cousin can leave base at 1600”.
Good ole Marine Corps and the green weenie
Wait. The president isn't real!? Has it been a hologram this WHOLE TIME!?
Nah fam its clearly Hitler’s ghost. It left John McCains body when he stopped being relevant.
And then it can move around to whoever you need it to this news cycle goy...
Whoa. So, then when a news source say things like "it doesn't matter if its true or not" they are undoubtedly telling me the truth? Thanks!
Well if you think about it critically, which I know you alt right trolls are incapable of doing, Russia hacked the vote in Trumps favor and he STILL could not win the popular vote. There is absolutely no doubt that the Orange Idiot is not my president. Looking forward to him being impeached any day now.
1) he said bad things
2) ummm families a the boarders, sweetie
3) he is an orange supreemist
Any day now...
My favorite new line is "unindicted co-conspirator".
Proof? Cohen said that "he was told by an unidentified person who is running for an unidentified federal office to pay funds from an unidentified account to an unidentified individual for unnamed reasons." It's as clear as day.
I'm looking forward to hearing Theresa May walk back her endorsement of expropriation...
I bet she still pays that $50 million to the racist commies though.
Never liked Teresa May
Nope, she was a remainer.
Pray for me lads, A/C no longer works in the car, so now I've to drive in a 150 degree car in FL mfw
So I am looking to get some electrical work done; I thought I would check here first to see if there are any electrician IE members, or family/identitarian friends of IE members who are electricians in the Richmond Virginia area.
We have lots of electricians, but it's probably best to ask in your local server.
Good point, thanks Couldn't post in white pills but still wanted to share
Rise up Evropa!
Hell ya!
@Bogl - CA Bshared this too
So I was reading up on the meaning of the Dragon's Eye symbology, does IE's color choices have any meaning or is it purely aesthetic?