Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 488830766164213761
Gotchya my guy, took care of it anyway just in case @Sean 👍
do we have any stock brokers in IE?
i would like to buy 1 tesla stock plz
@Goose Frfr or nah?
*goes back to making pretty pictures because he has no clue what they are talking about with stocks*
There are a number of different companies you can sign up for, Scott Trade is one that I like, due to your agent being pretty good for the price. However, it does cost a bit to open an account. You need to open an account with a company first, then you can buy a Tesla stock between 9:30 a.m- 4:00 p.m from NASDAQ. There are cheap initial account opening prices, just make sure that the taxes/fees associated with your account aren't hefty, or sneaky. Sometimes, companies will have hidden fees.
might be easier for me to just tweet at elon "i'll take one stock plz, good sir"
What's with that woman's hands?
That's her "raking the country through the coals" if she gets into office.
i can't help but imagine which photos did not get her approval
probably any of her looking happy or satisfied (because "America was never great").
if u wanna buy/trade stock then get the app called Robinhood...its free trades and easy to use. You can also trade crypto on it!
What a terrifying woah-man.
I use robinhoood
Emphasis on the hood
I use TD Ameritrade and Schwab.
@Goose why do you want TSLA?
@ThisIsChris because Musk is the man
personally i like his style
also he's outspoken about AI and i'm a fan of his hyperloop tech and his take on the idea of a space elevator
he's one of the few actual billionaires who actually seem to want to advance humanity
also, he's got bahntz
I saw Elon on Joe Rogan and gained a lot of respect for him
before or after the marijuana smoking?
Yet he claimed he was unaffected by the devil's grass
I'm convinced we could bring him aboard
Elon is meme material and for that service I thank him.
better get a good emissary over to him
We could certainly try to get him on board.
I don't see how he could not be on board being from South Africa
Like, how is he not already?
Playing the long game and hiding it?
@Jacob yea I think he's playing the long game and hiding it
thats what I would do
the risk of associating with us would be so huge
Elon is just really neurotic imo
I would be too with his stress level
My friends and I made this. It's designed to be as neutral as possible and wake our people up to the dark future, no pun intended, in realtime. I think it'll be a valuable tool for people on the fence.