Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 490751222442360834
especially as your protein base
You can't drink milk on keto, no
Almond Milk is pretty good
I am trying to lose muh spare tire. will bulk muscles after
@ophiuchus I'm not terribly familiar with German cuisine, but I generally order some form of schnitzel.
If you get almond milk, make sure it's unsweetened, though
Surprisingly, heavy cream is fine on keto
If i couldn't drink regular milk almond milk would definitely fill that craving
Not saying you should drink heavy cream by itself, but you can use it for stuff if you want
Right now I'm drinking almond/coconut milk blend. Pretty good.
There's all kinds of milk alternatives. I also bought some almond/cashew milk but haven't tried it yet.
*keto crossfitters* <:galaxybrain:366743669484683264>
Pour coffee mate on your cereal
Apparently if you go to your grocery store early in the morning you can get cheaper meat before the other customers buy it up
Anyone ever try this?
I've never heard of that
@Jacob I know that a lot of times, if you show up at a bakery early in the day, your can buy stuff made the previous day at a discount, but yeah, I've never heard of the same applying to meat...
It's because they do the mark downs in the morning. The meat probably will be close to its sell buy date, but, as long as you're going to eat it soon, seems like a good deal.
Yeah, makes sense.
Nearly all markdown activity in large retailers happens before 12pm.
is that a fort-knight?
@DeusVolk is in violation of server rule 2192801: No Fortnite posting.
Zoomers BtFO
this game is extremely popular with young kids. I have some family members who will literally pacify their children for hours with screen time on fortnite. Its quite discerning.
I actually got some old consoles (*siiiipp*) for my soon to be born son to play when he's older--none of that online degenerate, 100+ hours stuff
Plus, we can play co-op Turtles in Time or race in Super Mario Kart
*wholesome times*
Nothing shall ever beat Ocarina Of Time.
I actually think some games are good at teaching some lessons and skills. I know that a lot of influence on my taste of music is derived from Ocarina of time and Majoras mask. Story lines can be pretty deep too, especially Majora's.
I have Ocarina of Time, tried it, didn't really dig it. Link to the Past all day, though
But then again, I didn't grow up with an N64, so the nostalgia wasn't there
Awkward phase for 3D games