Message from @YourFundamentalTheorum
Discord ID: 492922889318694927
@The Eternal Anglo half I guess. I went on 8chan a few times years ago and was pretty put off by the insanity. Maybe I'd appreciate it more now. I think instead I'll read this book about Ancient Engineers I got for 40 cents. Can't have all that NEET energy right now.
8 Chan is what 4chan was two years ago to be honest, it's gotten better but you have the shy "REED SIEGE" sperg
I've got to still buy Identity Rising. The book list is real fam
That book is good. Halfway through it.
I've heard that most or all of Jared's books are also great
I love the chans
Where else does one go? Everybody's kicked off twitter and FB, there's no 504um, we have to be good bois here..
It's like not liking the Daily Stormer. You may not *now* but you *will*
@The Eternal Anglo White Identity is amazing
IE Dragon Toy Drive
"We're dreaming of a huwhite Christmas."
8chan is a real goldmine
Honesty I go to 8ch still to get that inner neet urge out sometimes @Flint daily stormer, right stuff, the fatherland podcast, FTN, of course Red Ice too. I started my red pill journey on Storm front. Edit: and the Liftwaffe podcast
We can have a HOPE banner, that instead of Obama, had Bob one would get it.
@The Eternal Anglo wew, it was ironmarch for me
It was a stopping point at least
The only problem with 8chan is that I can't right click the expand icon to open it in another window--why is this?
*No, I don't want to expand 287 replies and never see anything else again*
The board software is different
you could easily write a JavaScript extension to implement that however
Psh, I don't know how to do that
I might do it for you tomorrow
Tomorrow is my chill day
Are you on Firefox?
Yeah, Linux to Firefox
This is why 8chan is valuable
Alrighty, it shall be done then
Military age Illegals with ARs crossing the border?
good evening
Well tug on my totsies and call me topanga!
that's an invasion if I've ever seen one
(i have seen one)
That's a cattle crossing
Probably got those from Eric Holder...
"Author of viral 'Everything You Know About Obesity is Wrong' article offers further insight"