Message from @SuperTomPerry -RI
Discord ID: 493098715251474442
Frozen-solid narratives, but it would seem that even the dipsh#tiest of dipsh#ts is noticing things:
This is infuriating
Putin on patrol:
There were a few awfully African-looking "Eurasian" women there; must've been sub-Saharan Eurasians... 🤔
What a ladies man.
Putin tootin
So glad he's my president
@Suomi Stronk I'm trying to break the habit of a bang every day
@Bjorn - MD Russell Brand is the lowest form of human being imaginable. When he sees something is wrong, it must be *really* FUBAR.
@Valaska I'll drink them at work from time to time. While they're not *healthy*, they're *healthier* than conventional energy drinks
@Asatru Artist - MD did you see Brand on JRE? That was a painful listen and eventually Joe realized he was talking to a whacked out moron.
Both legs do that. He doesn't want to be any other way
Apparently it's normal
@Asatru Artist - MD Agreed.
He's getting ready to start throwing in leg locks @Logan
@Sam Anderson that movie is hilarious
@Loganbeautiful baby
Looks like a healthy weight too. It appears wifeys diet was on point.
It's normal.
@Logan babies have weird proportions. That's why little kids will squat instead of bend down
Here's the draft of the anti trust executive order. Pretty cool stuff
@Sam Anderson yea he was back to his birth weight after 4 days. He has a double chin already. Fat little lumps are the best type of little lumps.
Courtney has been very dedicated to doing several long feedings at any hour. She really wore herself out doing it for a while but now she is getting sleep regularly
@Logan that is one adorable Aryan monster. Congrats to both of you.
@Sam Anderson thanks!
@Logan you're probably doing more for the movement than many of us combined
Giving the Chosen One a bulk diet from day 1.
@YourFundamentalTheorum thanks it really feels like important work and like a calling.
Hope we can have two to four additional nuggets over the next 12 years or so
Beagle for scale
the pup looks like he's ready to kill anyone who dares disturb the sleeping bb
Moved in a week before his birth so we haven't fixed the place up.
@YourFundamentalTheorum she has surprised me with her adaptability. She's normally pretty needy but she's really grown to fit her role as third grandma.
I think i've read an article that said that dogs know when the child belongs to their owner and their behavior changes dramatically
they feel like it's their duty to protect the kid especially wel
@YourFundamentalTheorum I thought she would be more confused and alarmed but it seems hardwired into the Beagle to recognize him as our son almost as strongly as we have no choice but to biologically change to accommodate him.
Logan, so happy for you. You have a new little human - a son- to love more than anything. What an experience. I hope I get to experience it too someday.