Message from @Ald

Discord ID: 502634860884787201

2018-10-18 23:24:52 UTC  

๐Ÿ‘† ๐Ÿ‘

2018-10-18 23:27:54 UTC  
2018-10-18 23:34:10 UTC  


2018-10-18 23:34:17 UTC  


2018-10-18 23:41:47 UTC  

what do I do if I cant get my oil drainage bolt off? whoever last put it back on must have used a damn impact gun to tighten it because it is exceedingly tight

2018-10-18 23:50:57 UTC  

@Koba You can put the box end of a wrench on it and hook the box end of another wrench around its open end to get a longer lever.

2018-10-18 23:51:57 UTC  

@Koba But if it truly won't turn despite you applying significant force, just stop. Strip it and your car will be leaving on a flatbed.

2018-10-18 23:58:23 UTC  

Kinda mad Elizabeth warren is whiter than me

2018-10-19 00:02:23 UTC  

Has she applied yet?

2018-10-19 00:03:25 UTC  

Donโ€™t let her in. Sheโ€™ll take my spot as honorary based 1/48284828483 Native American.

2018-10-19 00:04:42 UTC  

"Dear Senator Elizabeth Warren,

In light of your recent revelation that you are, in fact, 99.99% white of European descent, Identity Evropa would like to congratulate you for surpassing even _our_ expectations, and extend to you our warmest invitation to apply for membership. Good luck to you in your future endeavors."

2018-10-19 00:04:47 UTC  

*Server Admin's automated moderation algorithms immediately begin analysing that number for rule-violating codes*

2018-10-19 00:09:19 UTC  

Is there a hard and fast rule on admix in IE membership or contextual? Curious. Sorry if pot stirring subject

2018-10-19 00:10:20 UTC  

In English, please?

2018-10-19 00:10:36 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:10:42 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:10:58 UTC  

That's the _almost boomer_ in me saying,"What in the world did you just ask?"

2018-10-19 00:11:19 UTC  

@Ald no hard and fast rule

2018-10-19 00:11:23 UTC  

How much non white admixture is allowed for IE members or is it contextual

2018-10-19 00:11:25 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:11:29 UTC  

That's probably better

2018-10-19 00:12:08 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:12:26 UTC  

We don't make people prove genealogy, if that's what you're asking...

2018-10-19 00:12:51 UTC  

It wasn't what I was asking. Just familiarizing myself with the policies

2018-10-19 00:13:07 UTC  

Thank the generic and entirely non-denominational deity or deities which may or may not exist that we no longer have to deal with Stormfront tier crap where if you have one not white ancestor 10,000 years ago you're literally not white at all.

2018-10-19 00:13:55 UTC  

@sigruna14 The city life has made you soft.

2018-10-19 00:13:59 UTC  

Yeah I agree absolute purism is autistic though of course any further mixing is to be discouraged

2018-10-19 00:14:07 UTC  

@Ald The criteria are in the membership application, and any questions asked during interview process help to cover any questions.

2018-10-19 00:14:12 UTC  

@sigruna14 "generic or non-generic denomoninational or non-denominational" please

2018-10-19 00:14:26 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:14:31 UTC  

"god(s) or non-god(s)"

2018-10-19 00:14:52 UTC  

Transexual poltergeist.

2018-10-19 00:14:59 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:15:09 UTC  


2018-10-19 00:15:20 UTC  

ouch, my freedom of conscience

2018-10-19 00:15:28 UTC  

Make my he\she spectre a cake.

2018-10-19 00:15:36 UTC  

The Universe is a good (literally) universalist term for this

2018-10-19 00:16:18 UTC  

But "thank the universe" sounds nerdy and boring.

2018-10-19 00:16:20 UTC  

The universe or multiverse is a good or bad literal or figurative universalist or exclusive term for this or that

2018-10-19 00:16:21 UTC  

I like my thing better

2018-10-19 00:16:32 UTC  

Thank **SCIENCE**