Message from @Alexmikli
Discord ID: 460560320297959424
under threat of "we will shoot you the fuck out of the water"
this has to be a scam, surely
you got the link?
*wage slavery*
*dehydrated drinking*
*but you need money in order to get stuff*
That doesn’t make it slavery you retard
But what if you don’t *believe in money*
Breathing is lung slavery guys
Liberate the proletariat from their bourgeoisie lungs!
You’ll still be an oxygen slave!
Workers of the world unite against air!
Air is a white, heteronormative patriarchal, cis-gendered, colonial construct, and this is why all air should be removed
Did someone say Air Raid?
Well *this* has to be. "Ben Shapiro Report"? pffffft wt*f*?
Holy shit
Fuck she's got that try me motherfucker face
But I gotta give respecc to that wamen
I guess, we should give Turkey to the greeks
We should
Greece is a singularity of denbtbss
Greece cannot pay denbtbetbs
that's a very creative way to spell debts
"Huffington post so woke they're attacking women"
The best one
Where the purity spirals begin BEFORE they get into actual power
Ni🅱🅱a this timeline is whack.
Absolutely whack