Message from @Puma
Discord ID: 460558587547090964
I cant find the video
Getting spicy
but I remember seeing a video of the australian navy or coastguard cant remember which
escorting a migrant boat back out to sea
under threat of "we will shoot you the fuck out of the water"
this has to be a scam, surely
you got the link?
*wage slavery*
*dehydrated drinking*
*but you need money in order to get stuff*
That doesn’t make it slavery you retard
But what if you don’t *believe in money*
Breathing is lung slavery guys
Liberate the proletariat from their bourgeoisie lungs!
You’ll still be an oxygen slave!
Air is a white, heteronormative patriarchal, cis-gendered, colonial construct, and this is why all air should be removed
Did someone say Air Raid?
Well *this* has to be. "Ben Shapiro Report"? pffffft wt*f*?
Holy shit
Fuck she's got that try me motherfucker face
But I gotta give respecc to that wamen
I guess, we should give Turkey to the greeks
We should
Greece is a singularity of denbtbss
Greece cannot pay denbtbetbs
that's a very creative way to spell debts
"Huffington post so woke they're attacking women"