Message from @JC
Discord ID: 504528829499572244
value it*
@JC Oh, I don't discount the D1 school athletes as far as their athletic merits go, but to be at a D3 art school getting a free ride...come on...
I like to call these "athletes" Basketball-Americans. Very respectful
the blegs
Literally useless to ahve a bunch of freeloading Basketball-Americans at that school.
@Asatru Artist - MD haha for sure. But the majority of D1 athletes still don't belong in university for what it's worth.
bro most of them dont belong in middle school
or America
Aww youre black and play sports?: A+
Aww you are smart white man but not smart enough to be a lawyer?: C+
College was my first redpill. The Asian and white students giving a wide berth to the athletes shouting in the student union. Impossible to ignore.
youre a felon and can catch a ball? A+
Koba, are you going to DtR? I really gotta meet you in person. 😂
'athlete', aka 'urban youths'
I want to but cant swing it
I got to most of the national stuff though
HuWhites dominate powerlifting sports
I do wish I had found IE before I had children, only so I could be more reckless with my support and activism choices.
we have athletic skills too
Basketball Americans are enriching for schools of all sizes. In fact, they don't even need athletic talent to triple the volume of the average conversation!
More strength pound for pound
@JC Me and my nerd friends got into plenty of death stare matches with the blacks in the freshmen dorm. We wanted to watch Gargoyles, they wanted to watch bouncing balls. <:really:453005408064241674>
haha while you guys aren't wrong, let's not bool too hard on our more melanated earth co-dwellers
@Asatru Artist - MD Oh the things that can be imagined during a good death-stare.
damn I have a lot of high quality booling material
bickin back and bein bool. good grief.
@ThisIsChris We dindu nuffin, we gud bois
where else in the world are collegiate sports televised and marketed? nowhere but the USA.....
Based alt right
good idea
In other countries, people go right into minor league sports. In America, college is the minor league
Deleted for safety. Not sure why but I got the delete bug
minor league here for football is probably a billion dollar sport
Your secrets safe with us le fashy goy
its pretty crazy tbh might be an industry we should try to get into
Identity Football
@VinceChaos Volleyball and Soccer are YUGE in Europe and America isn't the only bread and circus sportsball obsessed country.