Message from @OMGDwayne
Discord ID: 504863671642619904
self dox
Can I get a source on that housing graph
You were so cute.
self dox
i am actually Vince Vaughn
What does "varg" even mean?
I know whom he is.
Because children
As much as people think he's a sperg he's actually the most successful "thought leader" if you will, by virtue of having the most children. The ultimate strategy
That IS the best strategy
And raise them outside of clown world
@Nemets I recently read Empires of the Silk Road. That's where I learned about the (((Khazars))). It seems that the Khazars have been something most people won't write about. Most of our modern (((parasites))) aren't Hebrews at all. I've also read that the Palestinians ARE the Hebrews who converted to Islam back around 650 AD. There was no mass exodus. The "Return to Jerusalem" was no return at all. It was just a Zionist lie that the British fell for. The Balfour Declaration was based on no reality at all.
Having children is great, but we're not going to outbreed Africa. Closing the borders (and eventually repatriation) is essential. Varg doesn't really advance those goals, so I pretty much ignore him
Well @TMatthews - it's the best thing you can personally do whilst also fighting the good fight.
Especially because your wife can make children while you are politically active!
I certainly wouldn't argue against having kids
My goal at this point is to rise up through the GOP. Hopefully I'll find a woman along the way
Yes, it's all going to come down to the willingness to use force to deport the nonWhites that are here, and militarize the border so that no more can enter. We have the means. Only Trump and his followers have the will. Draconian force is the only solution.
@Sacramento yes, just a second
Unfortunately, our asylum laws make securing the border impossible. Congress must act. Removing the open borders republicans from office is arguably more important than beating the dems.
No way a GOP majority should have two years and not even fund the wall or implement e-verify, let alone end chain migration and diversity visas (all very popular proposals)
A lot of my young extended family are having a ton of kids. When we have our annual reunion we are inundated with little kids running around like puppies. You can already see their independent temperaments. Some of them are introverted and super smart. Others are hellions.
@TMatthews or make the open border republicans closed border republicans.
Well John McCain being gone is exclusively a good thing
@Sacramento Hey Sacramento. I'm from Georgia originally, but I lived in Sacramento for 27 years. I got a job offer there that was totally amazing in 1989. They were very good to me, and paid super well. I didn't move back to Georgia until they finally laid me off. How's it going there?
@OMGDwayne "introverted and super smart" do you know me?!
@TMatthews Many Republicans are cynical cowards. They go along to get along. That's changing.
Does anyone else here despise phone calls? It seems like an introverted thing.
hate them
@OMGDwayne I don't have any nice things to say about Sacramento to be honest
@Asatru Artist - MD I'll take you at face value buddy. I'm not particularly modest either.
I wish Poland had GI
I'm modest, but I'm no dummy, and I'm introverted, so its really just a true statement.
We took a photo of the ie and gi flag at a castle in Ljubljana