Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 507639309403160621
Of course
the box parrot was on?
Oh my god
Do you see this right now
BITCOIN at 6326.96
it makes me think how all these im-esque groups that said their strategy simply works because it's capital T Truth have collapsed while IE remains
That's on GDAX though
I don't know what's on Binance
Has anyone ever tried trading on GDAX and Binance at the same time?
if the prices are different then you could buy bitcoin on one and sell on the other
What they do is use ring cryptography to shuffle your transactions with other people making transactions at the same time
to enhance security
Its not enough to block an org like the **NSA**
or any government really
but it's enough that a man on the street can't track all your transactions
because the weird thing with bitcoin has always been that as soon as you know someone's address then you can see their whole history and the history of anyone they've ever transacted with
🅱inance? @ThisIsChris
Very cool, Ophiuchus
Stunning and brave
@John O - So jealous, I home my parents move down to florida one day (they're retired nyers so they're prime audience to do so)
@ophiuchus lol
I'm a NYer. You don't even need to be retired to come down here anymore
I imagine in Florida that people just hang out on the beach all day, walk around the boardwalk, swing by the gym for some powerlifting, and then go back outside and just walk around wearing sunglasses, slick hair and tank tops, feeling the breeze
You forgot beat the gator out of your camero with an old pipe but yeah
@ophiuchus I really hate "Harry Potter." I would forget it ever existed if it wasn't the surrogate religion of bugmen, soy boys, wine aunts and trannies.
I hate that I even know what 9 3/4s means
I want to delete so much useless trivia from my brain
@John O - looks beautiful except I can't tell what that guy is doing
It's me
@John O - nice man, love the trees, the building in the back, it's got that near-the-beach feel