Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 508160989015965717
ah, purple
This is true
I have NPC grey
so Orange Man Bad, got it?
Needs to be a little lighter though
@Flint you have full member steel
technically NPC is also purple because of Apollo
@Nemets That's friggin nuts, bro. I'd go to some dangerous places, but Chernobyl is like 9 square feet balls level
I did date a girl from Kiev, though
Am I radiated?
Would you go back Nemets
@Flint yes you are
She's now an innawoods pagan DJ...
I don't play vidya much but Bioshock Infinite had great aesthetics, too bad it was all deployed as demonization
What's the blue and green name color mean?
Yea can't believe people just live their every day lives there as if it's nothing, Russians must have +3 toxicity resistance.
@Logan that's beautiful
Schedule it for the IE summer 19 trip
IE Myfarog group when
Wtf goes on in tajikistan
oh shyt, green is the Popo?
Blue is the elite? hmm
or any other of the stans nearby like turkmenistan
Grey is the npc middle class
besides from cool architecture
Kyrgyzstan developed apples
I've been to Afghanistan, it's not as pretty
Tbh I'd run a Myfarog game over some tabletop sim if a good number are interested
Looks like the California desert near Palm Springs--without the wind mills
Deserts are so much more inhospitable than pictures convey, you will literally die out there
Same time ?
Our baby has radioactive spider powers