Message from @Sam Southern - TN
Discord ID: 509751113507930112
Bruh you see traumatized by them
I have been told I am not white many times
And wow dude where does that even happen unironically
>6 years
Might unironically move to Virginia or Pennsylvania to campaign for the 2020 election
Probably temporarily
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN the blackpill has really taken over your organism.
Everyone wants to be a revolutionary and a soldier until they miss a meal
@Logan Just keeping my head out of the sand
@Logan okay I wasn't trying to use war analogies, but in war people can actually do things
I can miss meals just fine
Explain how 2020 actually goes well.
No I think letting you simmer in it will be better. You want to be upset and sorry for yourself and I think that is what you need right now
Literally reading something in my Jewish professors class that argues for the decriminalization of teen sexting.
@Logan That's bait. And you are being Pollyana for ZOG
You can't contest the math.
I don't give a shit about myself. I worry about white people
Maybe try being realistic?
Wow, yeah everything is awful. Nationalists ONLY control the Senate, Supreme Court and Executive branch.
White people are #canceled now.
3rd Party people aggravate me immensely
@Sam Southern - TN it would be good and cool if they took votes from the left, but that's never the case.
You are missing the point. Things work in trends. Explain how trends toward democrat control gets reversed when meaningful border control doesn't happen
*shills the green party highkey*
Trump can use the military to build and fund the wall while saying that he tried to negotiate
The next 2 years will literally be nothing. Trump had all 3 branches and all he got done was TAX CUTS. Sure, the GOP was still RINO and we'll get more of our guys in over time. But because of all this, immigration reform is screwed or at least doubtful.
>accept my pathetic blackpilled framing and explain it to me on my terms.
no thanks.
At least now the lines are clearly drawn, and the political effects of displacement are open for all to see, this is a great red pilling opportunity to use on normiecons who believe in the myth of the based mestizo
@Sam Southern - TN yeah this paper argues that teen sexting needs to be made legal because of sexualization of out culture due to the media and pornography. Gee who could have ever done that???!???
Sorry you think a realistic appraisal of obvious facts is pathetic. what clear sight you are exhibiting
@Sam Anderson Jesus Christ
We have a president who is openly calling himself a nationalist. Demographics are being discussed openly (and not always favorably) on cable television. Senators and pundits are using language that would only have been heard from White Nationalists as recently as 5 years ago.
If you don't recognize this an a massive pivot and sea change, you're blind and deserve wallow in your own self imposed misery.
@ExternalPepsi Trump controlled the House and Senate for the past two years?
^ I was unaware of that as well
if texas goes blue by 2020, are we not fucked?
even 2024