Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 392488712711307284
Yeah, that was ridiculous about Hunter Wallace getting deleted. He's got some edgy views, but when was he ever "violent"?
Where have you been?
He is really good about bringing the movement to the working poor too.
Probably why he had to go.
Good evening, niggers
Yeah, he was more populist than Spencer and Taylor.
I have been missing the streams because of work.
But caught the one with Battle Beagle
Can't miss Battle Beagle
Yeah, I feel you. I work a lot too.
I missed when we were a quiet server
He's the best. Also the nurse that battle beagle outed got fired today. Not a big fan of people losing their job from shit they say on social media, but in this case it's hilarious.
Good ole days
dont worry it will be quiet soon
Who remember this one?
@nuPlissken hasn't she been fired?
I think I read something wrong, looks like she was fired back in November.
hey Serpico!
Hey Serpico
Hey Serp
Hey is Somelittlellama here?
I want to shout at her a bit.
You want to shout at her?