Message from @OMGDwayne
Discord ID: 510322921315500047
@Thugged Out Pissed Off just saw that but dude chinese driving was some of the scariest stuff I have seen in my life
But they could remember it.
@OMGDwayne god that's horrifying
I've only seen Jim's video on Laura Loomer, and can't stand her.
I didn't even put a password on my parents' network because they live in the middle of nowhere with a fence and gate around the house
no one can physically get near enough to the house to steal their wifi
I'm just imagining Eustace and Muriel having wifi, from Courage the Cowardly Dog.
Nate, sorry!
That show always scared me
bout huwhat hon
u no want in general
Loved that show
Nah I said let's go to general
might pull a pizza man tomorrow
dunno yet
@ophiuchus Until close to the end though, they could remember all those pets names in order. Toward the end, I showed them how to put it on a textedit document and just cut and paste. They were both devoted Amazon and Ebay customers.
The amount of stuff my mom has bought from the goodwill's website is staggering
I got one of those nice French dutch ovens out of the deal though so ok i guess
Hey listen up fellas. I joined the Literature Club the other day, but every time I go there my comment field is forbidden to me. Have I missed a step? I really want to pontificate there.
@OMGDwayne can you not post in general?
If you're still in the announcements channel, that'll be locked
I'm in general now, right? I've been offending people on here for weeks and weeks.
You're in the IE general, yes
Can you comment in the literature club general?
I detect an ignorant moment on my part. Lemme see.
@OMGDwayne 😂 I can’t wait for your pontifications
I just tagged you in a post in the channel I'm talking about
@ophiuchus Sir, you have shown me the low gate in the garden wall. The Thomas Wolfian portal to my erudite and enlightening bothers. I cannot give you money sir, as you deserve, but I give you a hale and hearty hand clasp.
Any time fam, glad to help
You're about the same age as my dad- very used to helping out with technology haha
Actually, if you're 63, you're pretty much exactly as old as my dad- I think he shares a lot of your opinions
@JohnAtlas what's the tl;dr?
or, tl;dl?
too long didn't read
can also be used the same as "long story short" as well
i like this version