Message from @JRobertson
Discord ID: 510332602339819530
PRO TIP: If you want a working class security detail, don't make fun of their social positions
And before you have contempt for the middle and working classes, ask yourself who the warrior class is
A little common sense goes a long way
@Flint I feel so sorry for Spencer. He IS one of us, but he's in over his head. I remember his speaking at an AmRed conference about 7 or 8 years ago. From the beginning I could tell he was struggling. Of course he had some amazing people to follow; Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, John Derbyshire, Sam Dickson. And there was this old, old man who was originally from the NE US, and he had gone to Africa decades ago. He was interested in anthropology and education. He studied Africans and lived amongst them for decades. His observations are priceless. He was once trying to go from the Congo along the coast to Nigeria. Through most of this trip (early 2000s) his journey was fairly uneventful, but he his some country which had never been colonized. One of the few. It was total mud swamp gridlock. He decided to pull off the road and stay for a few days and let the quagmire drain. While he was there he met a Nigerian college professor. They were drinking and talking and our White man asked of the Black man, "Why is it that the roads are so horrible here, and yet they are not do horrible in your neighboring country. The Black man said, "That is an easy answer. It is because we were never ruled by the French or the English, but our neighbors have been fortunate to have had that good fortune. Many wish they would come back." I'll try to find the link.
He's not wrong about Dawson though. If you want to talk economic nationalism gtf back to Fox News.
I don't disagree that economic nationalism is blegh, but... Spencer leading the ethnostate?
I'm sorry, I just don't see it
or leading much of anything since his sites have tanked, his NPI thing burned down
had to delet that pic, didn't realize there was a pistola in it...
No, of course, he's not the leader we need. I don't think anyone still thinks he is.
I honestly have never heard anything new and interesting by Spencer outside of the term "ethnostate"
I was always just... disinterested in the guy. Saw him at AmRen, didn't even introduce myself
@Recombined Is that any reason to call people names and talk about how great you are and how you need to be more of an elite and how you're the chosen one. Furthermore Dawson was having a practical discussion on how Trump has changed things in the US, within the context of our current system.
it's weird since Spencer doesn't even really look at himself as Alt Right
(anymore at least)
the term is effectively dead and yet... he still seems to think people _want_ to identify as it
Spencer is really dumb
It is a hard fact that as we gain more and more popularity that we will have the inarticulate rabble-rousers who do no care about whom they offend. A mass movement is not a precise instrument. But a mass movement is what we will have. And then will come the reckoning.
Nothing like some movement drama late in the night/early in the morning
No, he's really not.
I have my concerns about Richard as well, but he’s still done a lot for the movement, especially in catapulting the Alt Right into mainstream discourse. Punching right only goes so far
but is mainstream discourse really desired at this stage?
It doesn't matter what we call ourselves. We are the future. The wagons are circled.
I know I'm going to sound insane: but Spencer's insistence on going to the press resulted in a lot of bad
@JohnAtlas If you're IE, Spencer doesn't like you
yes it got the name out but there are... alternatives
I don't think the guy is the worst ever, but he's just too selfish too lead anything
And really, he does it to himself
Easy to hate on the guy but he used his name, face, and body to take hits all the way into this thing of ours and helped bring it to where it is now. You can debate how much but not whether he had a hand in it.
Remember guys, Spencer money if nothing else
In what way did he help?
Surely you jest, sir.
One day he'll have access to hundreds of millions if he doesn't already
we have three Micks in IE
I’m not standing up for him, but I don’t think he would ever say he dislikes all IE members. Maybe the leadership, but that’s between them. There doesn’t need to be so many divides within our movement. We need all of our people on the same side, working towards the same goals. Spencer has dedicated his life to the movement. He’s made some serious mistakes, and is definitely not leadership material at this point. I just don’t feel the need to ceaselessly criticize him
He lead a lot of people into antifa crowds at MSU
@ThisIsChris ask almost anyone who moved over in the past 5 years
I just think Spencer is a guy with a very impressive vision, but without the capacity to be The Leader. He will be honored and remembered as one of the early heroes who spoke out and acted. How many of us would have dared do and say what he has done and said.