Message from @Trashboat
Discord ID: 511048307179782145
I'm assuming it's "offer, give"
French speaking Africans are already weird
lets all learn swahili
Jak sie masz
I lived on the island of Cyprus for two years so I’m fairly fluent in Greek And I can confirm that it is a difficult language
Check out this book I got in London
And I can testify that it is indeed a difficult language
Ancient Greek**
Very cool still
Imagine if the Chinese started calling us "Goy".
They have another word for it
That’s where the Mormon church sent me to serve my mandatory LDS mission
Yeah I think it's something like lao wai?
I saw a ton of Antifa and generally communist graffiti and propaganda everywhere in Greece when I was there. I did see a bit of Golden Dawn stuff as well though, but the amount of leftist references I saw was staggering.
I can't remember
@Grayson I nearly lived there too my parents almost accepted a teaching Job in Nicosia. Were there as a missionary? My brother went to Bucharest for his missionary work
Lao wai in mandarin
meaning "old outside" literally
Old foreigner, better
I remember that part
In Cantonese, it's guai lo
Which is something like "ghost guy"
goy lo
my Polish gets worse every year
@Virgil That’s very cool man. There were eight missionaries on the island.
At this rate I won't even be able to communicate with my parents in a few years (their English kinda sucks tbh)
I don't really understand how it's possible to live in this country and not speak english
wtf do they do
@ophiuchus It's not hard in California.
I mean my dad's is fine I guess
my mom still has trouble with weirdly simple stuff
Can confirm that Southern California you don’t need English
It would literally be impossible here
She works at a grocery store, so she interacts with people every day. She just doesn't want to improve.
I mean, I had to learn fluent ebonics to live in this town
I've explained concepts to her multiple times. She just doesn't care.
@Grayson Sounds really neat, sometimes I wish my dad would have raised me closer to the LDS church. I would have loved to have gone to Cyprus and Romania to be a missionary
@ophiuchus Where. Birmingham? Montgomery?