Message from @Papa Pizzagate
Discord ID: 511991532732284939
@Jacob I live in a 65% black area and I can assure you there’s absolutely nothing good about diversity
Yeah, it’s bad dude, but I really think it’s easier to hack than living around people for 20090999 different countries.
I also lived in Houston TX which is the most diverse city in the US and it’s a shithole in the public sphere. Only good coming from it is commercialism and oil money from saudis
@Alexander Pechorin That's what I told my mom. She thinks it's really cool if I work for Amazon some day.
After all, a white/black split is less diverse than whatever manhattan is.
@Gumbo - AZ That's *less* diverse than the alternative I'm describing
ya I know diversity sucks
Then how could it be any better
Of course it depends on the role @Jacob, but working in their shipping dept seems rough... We pay slightly more and you’re managing way less packages a day than at Amazon.
@Gumbo - AZ It's better because it's less diverse
2 ethnic groups vs 40 billion ethnic groups
@Alexander Pechorin oh no she wants me to work for Amazon when I graduate with my computer science degree, it has nothing to do with the fulfillment center
Houston TX has more demographic representation than any other city in America. That’s all types. It’s shit.
It’s our São Paulo
well ya that's what we're saying @Gumbo - AZ
Sure, that sounds miserable. This was more about the white/black split though.
So what’s the argument? We all doubt because it’s true
@Jacob that is probably a better option. Still, there will be better opportunities with your background than being an Amazon code monkey.
If you dislike amazon, stop patronizing them.
The argument was just. If you had to choose between Houston and a town that was just black/white, the second is better.
I don't want to work for Google, Amazon, Facebook, any of them
@Papa Pizzagate lots of books I haven’t found anywhere else
We cut Facebook ads because of that. Took a huge hit, but save a ton of money and it forces us to find better channels
No more paying the evil empir
@Papa Pizzagate eh, I don't know if the other corporations are any more moral
Instagram has a higher click-through rate anyway
I just bought a car stereo from Crutchfields instead of amazon, $2 more, but they have much better service, included a wiring harness with the product.
valid points, both.
The highest of any social medial company, actually
I would rather live in Houston than where I am now
Othila: Folkland; Inheritances, Your home, physical and spiritual heritage. @everyone Study the Runes.
Amazon started paying minimum $15/hr
65% black city is a shithole, blacks are the worse ethnic group
Yeah, let's not ping the entire server with a promotion of your religious preference du-jour please @Rabbidsith
Everything is plundered, high crime and brain drain
@Papa Pizzagate fair enough
I don’t get pinged by him
Du jour
Members don’t get to ping like that