Message from @Selma
Discord ID: 512430250194370571
You said in the car.
Err...Executive Carriage
In Covthlorado
Okay, can I please make a confession about the word 'uncouth'?
I learned it from the first 'Dark Souls' years ago. Okay?!
Black on white cheapshot
That's not only a foul; he should get arrested for that.
So I was curious and looking through Twitter, CNN has not tweeted once about avenatti getting arrested even though he has been a guest there 108 times in total
Wonder how he got into college 🤔 Must be his superior intellect!
@Selma purely economic factors, I'm sure
@Asatru Artist - MD my retribution will be swift
Guys. Everyone knows that in this "diverse" society that we have, there is nothing other than economical factors.
excluding poverty, low test scores, and other such bullshit.
that's definitely racism. (ignore that Leftists write most of those tests)
*the ones that they claim to be racist
@Selma Shhh. Don't tell the GOP that otherwise they might start winning elections agai...oh wait.
@ThisIsChris Make me a moderator.
look at my good work
jk don't
When we are looking for new moderators again we will consider it
the answer may be no though
I wouldn't make a very good moderator tbh.
too many memes
@Asatru Artist - MD Art taken to a whole new level.
too little time
@Asatru Artist - MD Those are the best memes.
@Axel Art taken to a whole new level indeed.
I'm sure my ancestors will be most proud of that piece ^
@Asatru Artist - MD Absolutely.
That should be in the next gen of posters
When we are looking for moderators...
Qualities we look for in moderators:
1. Preferably you've been in for a few months.
2. Preferably you have a history of posting.
3. Preferably you do not have a history of breaking the rules.
4. Preferably you are in a time zone we do not cover well.
#3 😢
#4 😢