Message from @CarletonJ
Discord ID: 513905502825086976
real ind0-eVr0p3ans eat meat not only without seasoning, but without cooking!
you need a ridiculous digestive tract for that man
some meat is honestly better raw tbh
@Deleted User just meme'ing
@Deleted User it's easier to digest without cooking
Real Americans eat solely venison jerky
if you don't survive only through chewing ice, are you even vvrvpvvn
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN memes aside, that's a real thing people do lol
I really hope leadership doesn't rebrand. I'd miss the "V" memes
@godric I thought cooking it denatured most the proteins making digestion easier?
@TMatthews There will never be a rebrand
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vvvvvvvv natvvnalvsm
@Deleted User I've never found much evidence for that really. A lot of people go raw specifically because of gut issues. Cooking does break down fibers in vegetables though.
@Papa Pizzagate I love to hear that man, I really really do
What kind of parents do you guys have? My mom voted Hillary and my dad didn't vote. Both are fascinated by third world countries and occasionally remind me of their opposition to my "white nationalism".
my parents are boomercons
@Papa Pizzagate Weren't you advocating for a rebrand not too long ago?
My mother concedes every point I make, yet votes Hillary. lol
@Jacob my dad is Tucker/Anne tier and boomerPosts about CW2. My mom is an NPC for health reasons..
My mom lied to me and said she voted for Evan McMullin. No idea what the logic behind that was.
parents are superboomers that are at least woke enough on the christian scale to know that jews don't go to heaven in the christian theology. which is better than the chosenite christian takes. dad likes tucker, mom votes straight red for social conservative reasons. both oppose "white nationalism" but also oppose miscegenation. they're a mixed bag lol
she might've felt bad about voting for hil?
@Jacob a
is she Mormon? he was ironically practically an ethno nationalist mormon candidate based on his results
Mexicans protesting Central Americans in Tijuana. Whut?
mexicans want to build a wall on their southern border to keep the squatties out
they already built it (or so i thought)
"hmm my racist son is not gonna like the fact that I voted for Hillary, what should I do? oh, I know"
"don't worry, son, I voted for McMullen"
huh, why were they demanding a wall in that interview earlier this weekend? i don't get mexicans
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN both my parents are Polish and Catholic
I'm surprised Twitter even had that story.
idk I worked with a Mexican immigrant at a restaurant. He would randomly rant about guatemalans the way journalists imagine white nationalists randomly rant about mexicans.
@Sam Southern - TN i imagine it's a similar situation to the zionist/ globalist split for jews
I told a girl on the first date that me and her needed to save the white race together.
she said "does it have to be with just me?"