Message from @Jacob
Discord ID: 513908504080154624
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN both my parents are Polish and Catholic
I'm surprised Twitter even had that story.
idk I worked with a Mexican immigrant at a restaurant. He would randomly rant about guatemalans the way journalists imagine white nationalists randomly rant about mexicans.
@Sam Southern - TN i imagine it's a similar situation to the zionist/ globalist split for jews
I told a girl on the first date that me and her needed to save the white race together.
she said "does it have to be with just me?"
but that's the extent of my ranting to non-friends
she wanted you to do it with other girls too?
yeah lol
epic style harem
not sure if that's based or not
based gun-loving hot blonde girl who complained about the lack of diversity on "the bachelor"
really confusing people, these tinder women
Check out @RichardBSpencer’s Tweet:
as cucked as NASA can be, I still like them better than Richard.
Check out @heywildrich’s Tweet:
who give a F about what that idoit tweets about @hbutzer0511
Is Tinder and all that stuff actually worth it? Would it be that bad to just kinda let it happen when it happens?
@hbutzer0511 we've had that technology since the 60's
she wasn't actually a tinder woman, and no don't use tinder
@V.Balboa - PA NASA tweeted it.
will destroy your confidence at best
@hbutzer0511 Ooooooo
It's an old joke from The Onion.
@Zilna Jestov That was the first I saw it. Sorry for posting old stuff.
@hbutzer0511 You're fine. It looks like Spencer is the one who posted it late.
@godric I mean going out of your way to find dates in general. Whether it's Tinder or some other dating site or whatever else people use.
@Deleted User Aaaaaaah. I see.👍. Thank you.
@Jacob Every meaningful relationship I was in happened accidentally. Randomly talked to someone who seemed to want to keep talking to me. I wouldn't recommend that if you really want a gf though, because you have about one chance per year.
Nuclear propulsion is meh
nasa big ghey
It may have good ISP in vacuum
but that's just it. >In vacuum
not to mention it's literaly a radiation spewing engine
@godric To be honest, I'd prefer not to have to have one right now. I don't think it's healthy for us to think we need to rush into this.
getting married young and having children young is biologically and historically good