Message from @SuperTomPerry -RI
Discord ID: 515369304200577024
My wife is 7'0, 240lbs, and is pregnant with quintuplets
@Rogue lol
More kids the better
I had a great aunt on mom's dad's side over 6 feet tall, never met her
My great grandma was over 6 ft
I believe 5'10" is the IE ladies max height at the moment, and we have two
I'm going to have to marry a redhead to have blonde children, my hair is a medium brown.
I don't think it works like that
Embrace the dark hair
They are more inbred and hence I would genetically blondify our offspring.
the tallest woman in my family is 5'8, that's my sister
That's me in my profile pic. I think dark hair looks pretty good
I didn’t know we let bears in
I took after my grandma who is a womanlet
Me bear
IE doesn't discriminate against other Identitarian species.
That's Jedediah Smith
We have a dog and a bear.
No, it's a picture from some old 50s magazine called Men's World or something
We were infiltrated by Russians...they sent us their space dog and a bear
@SuperTomPerry -RI fat baby
Yea she is
8 months old she needs 12 month old clothes
Yo bb yoked
Haha sure
Military life and its ability to incentivize having kids is a model that deserves respect.
Future identitarian
How much that baby bench
What's that baby's deadlift
That baby can handle an Atlas stone
Cant wait to get her her own 22 and teach her some skills on the range
Mind the rules, guys