Message from @Kevin_the_wise

Discord ID: 797225130601218058

2021-01-08 16:19:21 UTC  

He's going to be busy

2021-01-08 16:27:44 UTC  

Some are saying the real inauguration will be in Florida. That's where Trump will take the oath of office

2021-01-08 16:31:19 UTC  

for what

2021-01-08 16:38:16 UTC  

Martial law

2021-01-08 18:21:50 UTC  

friendly reminder that if the situation was hopeless, the propaganda wouldn't be necessary

2021-01-08 18:40:37 UTC  

Watch this before

2021-01-08 18:40:48 UTC  

YouTube censorship begin

2021-01-08 19:19:55 UTC  

Bro the 25th won't do shit

2021-01-08 19:20:03 UTC  

Its pointless

2021-01-08 19:24:50 UTC  

If he gets impeached

2021-01-08 19:24:58 UTC  

He can't run in 2024

2021-01-08 19:25:08 UTC  

That's why

2021-01-08 19:25:41 UTC  

Who's gonna impeach him

2021-01-08 19:25:56 UTC  

Nancy wants to

2021-01-08 19:26:21 UTC  

The dems want to, but it's not going to happen

2021-01-08 19:32:27 UTC  

The inauguration happens in less than two weeks, no way an impeachment will happen that fast anyway

2021-01-08 19:33:07 UTC  

You don't know the Democrats that well do you

2021-01-08 19:42:37 UTC  

He needs to declare Martial law already

2021-01-08 21:33:47 UTC  


2021-01-08 22:08:02 UTC  


2021-01-08 23:29:16 UTC

2021-01-09 00:11:46 UTC  

Trump has just been "permanently" banned from Twitter.

2021-01-09 00:15:00 UTC  

its his own fault for not dealing with big tech while in office

2021-01-09 00:15:15 UTC  

It's all about spreading propaganda. Get the sheep to obey

2021-01-09 00:17:08 UTC  

Besides myself and my dad of course, I don't think any of you realize that he couldn't do certain things when you thought he should have. It would have ended up backfiring.

2021-01-09 00:17:30 UTC  


2021-01-09 00:17:48 UTC  

@Swampfox169 are you sure he'll declare Martial law

2021-01-09 00:17:55 UTC  

I doubt it now

2021-01-09 00:19:10 UTC  

Considering Pelosi kicked the impeachment into overdrive, Trump is already ahead of them. It's going to be a long weekend

2021-01-09 00:24:20 UTC  

I honestly believe that the Communists are suffering from target fixation.

2021-01-09 00:25:20 UTC  

It's called hell bent and determined

2021-01-09 00:26:03 UTC  

Same thing. They are so fixated on throwing him out, they are going to fly right into his Trump Card

2021-01-09 00:35:57 UTC  

Parler crashed

2021-01-09 00:41:21 UTC  

It's being overloaded

2021-01-09 02:09:53 UTC  


2021-01-09 02:12:56 UTC  

@luzaddamymind the attack on free speech

2021-01-09 02:13:24 UTC  

Martial law is unconstitutional to keep him in office

2021-01-09 02:14:08 UTC  

Not if it's a stolen election

2021-01-09 02:15:58 UTC  

Not really, though? As far as I know, the constitution doesn't have any provisions discussing any sort of protocol for "stolen election". Meaning, even if the election was stolen, that wouldn't make it any less unconstitutional - it just means that the constitution could use a new amendment, or something

2021-01-09 02:17:56 UTC  

Honestly kanye should take office due to both sides rioting